❝ Eno Mushumi ❞



2 years, 11 months ago



37 . he/sci . 6'2"

Eno Mushumi is an esteemed scientist known for his groundbreaking work in biotechnology and health research as well as his questionably ethical methods. While often described as charismatic and pleasant to work with, . He has an intimate relationship with his work and spends most time with it rather than developing actual intimate relationships.

In fact, most of Eno's relationships consist of work associates or products of his technological advances. Some may find this lifestyle draining or lonely, but the professor seems more full of life than perhaps anyone else in his field.

" I could be MORE evil if you'd like that? "

. . . .
Sign gemini
Status alive
Ethnicity japanese-american
Occupation scientist / CEO
Orientation aromantic gay man

  • Sometimes I draw Eno with lime green teeth - you can too!
  • However, the rest of his color palette should stay the same ( no skin lightening )
  • FILLER .
  • FILLER .
  • FILLER .


Eno Mushumi was born to a late Benjira and Elise Mushumi in a MushoCo hospital.
His father, founder of the company, was distant for most of his upbringing, but his mother more than filled the space he left. Being her first and only son, Elise was incredibly protective over Eno and made sure that he was brought up in a safe environment. From an early age, Eno had an interest in technology and mechanics, often fiddling with gadgets his mother purchased from telemarketers or taking apart the rare doo-dad his father would bring home. He was fascinated by the inner mechanisms more than anything, focusing on how cogs turned one another or the way wires intertwined.

Schooling was an aspect of life Eno looks back on fondly. He wasn't terribly popular or unpopular, often instead drifting from friend group to friend group and becoming fairly well-known in his district. He kept his grades up and focused more on schooling than socializing- much to his father's delight. As Eno grew into his teenage years, his father began to involve him more and more with the family business- pharmaceuticals. He learned the basics of chemistry, elements and their reactions, how to produce certain substances.
The guidance from his father and experience from time spent at MushoCo greatly influenced Eno's love of the sciences- enough so that scis already excellent grades skyrocketed in the subjects of chemistry and biology. As scis grades continued to improve and peak time and time again, sci was offered a university scholarship come scis final year of secondary education, which scis mother excitedly urged sci to accept.

University was when Eno came more into himself. Away from his parents and on his own for the first time, he was quickly exposed to the rest of the world. Campus parties, drugs, hook-up culture. All was new to him and like a starved man, he indulged. Eno grew popular among his peers for being the "life-of-the-party", always participating in events and, occasionally, putting his understanding of chemistry to use.
Despite his newly invigorated love of life, Eno continued to keep his grades especially high to ensure that he would be able to secure a position at his father's company. In one of his classes, he met B∎∎∎∎, a student working towards a computer science diploma. The two quickly became friends, with Eno assisting with their work and rediscovering his love for technology as well as helping ∎∎∎∎∎ overcome their anxiety in the party scene.

The two graduated with flying colours.

Overwhelmingly proud of their son, the Mushumis welcomed Eno home with open arms. He was almost immediately given a spot at MushoCo as a scientist, conducting experiments and studies towards the production of new substances. While this was initially all he could have ever asked for, his time at University had made his wants more complex. More.. gluttonous. Eno prompted the idea of expanding the business, producing not just pharmaceutical products but perhaps technology as well. He started small, pitching machines to help deliver products to customers at home or tools to make the production line more effective. And when, eventually, scis father agreed to try the concepts out, sci knew the perfect person to recruit as a tech advisor.
Unsurprisingly, the introduction of more technology was successful. Production speeds had doubled while costs had halved, and Eno received the utmost praise. Though, it never quite felt like he had succeeded completely. Not yet, anyway.

As the years went on and MushoCo grew in name and popularity, Benjira eventually handed the reins over to Eno. Just hardly past his mid-twenties, the man was fully in charge of the company he had worked his entire life to work with. With ∎∎∎∎∎ at his side, he took his father's place as CEO and brought forth a new era of MushoCo.


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Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nenisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

Benelope-Itsabella Mushumi, or BITS for short, is Eno's beloved artificial daughter. Initially designed as a computer virus, BITS was Eno's first major success in granting sentience to AI. He loves her more than anything in the world!


Initially a human employee of MUSHOCO, BAS.C is the result of a human consciousness placed into a computer. Technically, it is only the replication of the now-deceased employee, but it still feels hatred towards Eno for trapping it in such a state. Eno finds its hatred for him amusing.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.