Azile - Woolwing No 1



2 years, 10 months ago


Woolwing Dragon 'Azile' -  Aqua & White - Icy blues with dark accents 💎 deer horns and fish tail personality: elegant, graceful, calm

Azile here is very the first member in the Woolwing tribe (my new fantribe based on the Wings of Fire series!) and my first ever 'OC' original charecter.

Woolwings are a fur-covered dragon species that take the appearance of various animals depending on where they live. 

These dragons are all non-binary, so I won't ever be specifying genders !!Those who adopt a Woolwing will recieve the exact sculpture in the mail, indicating their # in the sculpture series, AND a 2D refernce sheet on toyhouse and /or email.

All Woolwing names feature the letter 'Z' and usually an 'A'- typically as the first or last letters in their name.

Woolwing Dragons can be named by those who adopt them, or I will discover their name as I create 🧡

This first collection of four Woolwings  are each holding a precious dragon egg - lampwork glass created by Mary LaVille of Gold Beach, Oregon. 

🙏Please note: Woolwings are a 'closed' species- the only way to get one is to purchase a sculpture OR win one in an upcoming Instagram GIVEAWAY !