


2 years, 10 months ago

lily daniels

coconut panna cotta w/ blueberry sauce
M / top heavy
april 1
true neutral

Lily might seem like an air-headed ditz, and that's because she is! She would lose her head if it wasn't screwed onto her shoulders - constantly walking into walls, losing her train of thought, tripping over nothing - one can glean hours of entertainment from simply watching the succilin attempt to carry out her day to day life.

You might feel sorry for her, but pain and troubles wash over her like water on a duck's back. The mistakes of five minutes ago have already been forgotten, and she is already eagerly grinning at you, excited and ready to move onto the next incoming disaster. Is she extremely optimistic, or just too dense to recognize when things go wrong? It's hard to say, but either way, the effect is the same!


Lily grew up fairly sheltered. As the daughter of a famous director, she was shielded from the real world, and was enveloped in the world of fantasy and film. Her father gave her a healthy media diet - leaving behind film lists and recommendations whenever he left for lengthy shoots, and always bringing her along to movie premieres. She knew tons of famous actors and musicians and was used to being snapped up by the papparazzi. As a result of the fame, she was homeschooled, mostly to keep her away from the pressure of being a famous person's child amongst her peers. All her friends were children of other famous elite, and she spent her entire life in the expensive part of the city - going on fancy vacations all around the world.

Because of this, she rarely ever had to worry about anything. And eventually, it seemed she lost the ability to worry altogether - the easygoing, charming smile crafted for the cameras eventually replacing her own. Reality and fantasy blurred together in her young mind - leaving her completely out of touch from the normal human being. Life was fantastic! Life was wonderful! Nothing that was bad ever stayed bad for long. And for a young girl to such a sunny, agreeable personality was highly praised and rewarded by the adults around her, so she kept at it.


After her 18th birthday and finishing her studies, Lily decided she wanted to make it as her own person, instead of constantly relying on her parents. She accomplished this by moving into the apartment they had bought her, with her own personal maid they paid for, working at a job her father got for her through nepotism alone. Lily had never felt so independant! There was no one telling her not to eat a pound of gummy worms at 4am anymore, except for her maid, very insistently and worriedly, but she didn't have to listen to her, as the gummy worms all wound up thrown up into the toilet!

At her job, her usual charisma and optimism fell completely flat, as the hardworking film crews did not at all find her clumsiness or forgetfulness charming. Employed as a PA, Lily was useless - constantly forgetting things, losing things, completely failing to start her tasks let alone finish them, stumbling into shots, and regularly showing up late for work, or leaving early, forgetting what she was doing. Of course, since her father was the director, they couldn't fire her -- so they unofficially changed her title to coffee girl, and she would absently wander the set, holding a tray of coffee, and offering a cup to anyone she saw.

One day, she came home to find a strange pink floraccilin inside her house, throwing things and screaming as her maid tried to throw her out. After some discussion, Lily found out that she was a princess, and that because she was a princess, this was HER apartment now! It made perfect sense to Lily, so she just let her new friend enjoy her new bedroom and dutifully slept on the couch.

Her new friend is pretty silly, but always has such fun ideas! Plus, it's cool to be the one who knows the things for once - showing Magnolia how to order a coffee or cross the street! Plus, it was really fun to have a friend who slept under the same roof - every day was a sleepover! Time to eat cake!! Her new friend also came with another friend, it seems, though Magnolia never seems to happy to see her, and to be honest, the other girl never seems to happy to see her either! Lily assumes that's just how royalty are. Eventually she'll be good friends with both of them, and they can all be pals together!!

  • She had quite the growth spurt and is as a result unused to being so tall, regularly smacking her head into things.
  • She feeds on a special mix created for succilin to satisfy her cravings - she's never fed from a live subject - she doesn't even know she can do that!
  • Her brain is just the cat parade song 24/7
  • One of those annoying girls who can eat her weight in food and not gain a pound. Probably because the other half of the time she forgets to eat at all.
  • She can fall asleep anywhere, for any reason. Try her!
  • She does cry but she can't cry for longer than a minute before she's completely over it.