Callys Barros



2 years, 11 months ago


Callys Barros | She/Her | Sylph of Blood | Neutral Good | Troll | 181cm / 5'11" | Fushia Blood | Prospit

Callys Barros was born into a wealthy status on the planet of Noternia, though she tendency to distance herself from people’s expectations. While many had unrealistic dreams for her future, Callys considered herself much more grounded than everyone around her. To prove that she didn’t need council from the multitude of people trying to squeeze into her circle, she ventured into the city when she was barely older than a grub. Needless to say it went poorly, but she met her morail during this incident, a jaded maroon blood named Zammix.

As time went on, Callys’ friend group grew larger, though she had always held firmly to the position of the level headed one. Additionally, her teachers tried to teach her the ways of ruling, but she was much more concerned with dominating any sports team she could sneak her way onto before she was caught.

As her group entered the game, she realized quickly someone needed to take the helm and give everyone one banner to unite under. She and Wrexen had a very polite conversation about who should lead, with everyone agreeing Callys was the best choice.
Unfortunately, Callys soon became aware that their timeline was unstable, and with the help of Selpit and Fellos, created a program to determine the source: the previous game of the Human Heroes that were revered in the old mythos. Callys quickly researched the four heroes and analyzed her friends strengths and weakness and assigned one troll to one kid, enlisted to be their friend and to assist in any way possible.
Callys is a relatively friendly troll, though she’s quick to snap and is under a lot of pressure at any given moment. She considers herself in charge of three universes and has a strict schedule for their game and herself.
She tries to be polite for as long as she can before her temper gets away from her, especially when it comes to squabbling in the group itself. While she tries her best to lead, she does turn to pamphlets and booklets about how to lead and how to bring the group together which is full of terrible advice and tends to split the group further. Ultimately this causes her to bring down an iron fist and has decided to give everyone a common enemy: her.

Strifekind: Fists (Callys is obnoxiously strong) & Claymore

World: Land of Veins and Patches
Does NOT get wings when godtiered
She’s currently in a red relationship with Fellos and morails with Zammix.

This character is a work in progress

Halloween Costume: Vampire

in: Secondary Trolls,TowerE.xeploit, SmallSmartkitty's characters

Callys Barros

44367719_olkmOhua9Cu20F7.pngCallys Barros12333990_YrLODNT6vr77SE1.png

put something in character here :)


The Leader

Sylph of Blood


describe their typing style here





Introduction paragraph. Use lots of links to the MSPA wiki for an authentic feel, if you'd like. Use this to type in character or directly quote your troll (or kid).


Describe the etymology of your character's name here, if you'd like. These paragraphs look better the longer they are, honestly, especially because the sidebar is so long, so type away. I just put a bunch of self-referencial dumb nonsense here and it fit the style.


Part 1

I reccommend putting some Lipsum here if you don't have anything typed out yet, this looks better when it's long. Loooooong.

Part 2

(The last < p > section should have a style="padding-bottom:20px;" in it, like here, to make sure the padding on the bottom works properly. There's probably a better way to do this but I'm too tired to fix it rn tbh lol)
Words words. A

Personality and Traits

Personality here, obviously.



LUSUS IMG URL Describe your characters relationship with their Lusus here.


▪ Trivia.


▪ Prompt things

· d · Credits[]
"homestuck wiki" template by @trashguts
template basis
styled after the mspa wiki though it is now slightly outdated
character designer/s