Marzipan Heart Cookie



2 years, 11 months ago


(colors and stuff aren't official, still deciding on it as I need to design his twin, this is just here for the sake of me remembering to actually upload him)

Twin brother of Wedding Cake Cookie, they both escaped the oven together. After awhile him an his sister separated to go on their own paths were Marzipan became a nurse in a sleepy cookie village.
That was until the mysterious jam infection took over, and crumbled a good portion of the village's population.

Marzipan now is the sole person left to combat the infection, and due to a deal, he's slowly becoming more and more ill with the infection he is trying to take care of. He won't die from it however, not for awhile.

-Due to the deal he made with DE he is slowly becoming more and more ill from the infection as he basically takes it out of other cookies, it unfortunately just goes back to him
-Because he can't die from it, he is just terribly ill and tired, he also can't spread the disease to others
-Coughs up strawberry jam (cookie blood)
-typically has the face mask over his mouth, the jam stains are most likely his own
-He thinks what he is doing is for the greater good, and it's to the point were he thinks his eventual death will be for the greater good as he's saving others. He put a lot of people's lives above his own because he just wants others to feel safe and well
-Doesn't know he was basically taken advantage of and whatever he was 'curing' other cookies with will eventually horribly mutate them, he is too sick to do anything about it now however

Quote stuff

Gacha Pull:
"...come closer..." 
"my cure is most effective..."

"Will I be able to help more cookies...?"
"I don't feel any better..."
"I think I can keep going..."

Tapped on:
"you shouldn't touch random cookies, you never know what they might have"
"please stay healthy..."
"do you feel unwell?"
"on a scale of 1-10, what is your pain?"
"do you need a tissue?"

An idle animation he can preform while walking around is pulling out a rag from a pocket, pulling down his mask and coughing into it, before putting the rag away again.