


2 years, 10 months ago


  • Aquene

  • Age 25
  • Gender Female
  • Race Human/Nonbender
  • Role Chiblocker
  • Theme

Artist • Massage Therapist • Equalist


Aquene seems small, unassuming, and polite, but little do most in Republic City realize she leads a double life. Massage therapist by day, Equalist by night. She'll do what she needs to do survive in this world of benders.

"I've lost my way..."

height 5'4"

build slightly curvy

pronouns she/her

s.o. Pansexual

dob 145 ASC [After Sozin's Comet]

sign Water

origin Ba Sing Se

occupation Massage Therapist

demeanor thoughtful

element water/earth


  • Jasmine Tea
  • Moon Peach Tarts
  • Almond Cookies
  • Painting


  • Fire (specifically from firebenders)
  • Being taken advantage of
  • Inequality for nonbenders
  • Any of the Triads in Republic City

Some History...

Aquene was born in the Southern water tribe, but once she and her mother were strong enough to travel, her father moved them to Ba Sing Se. She lived there for 17 years, learning massage therapy since she could not do a proper healing as she was not a waterbender like her mother. It was there that she learned of the chi pathways and chakras. Initially it was how to open them and heal them. It was also here that she started to sketch people — namely women that she would massage after asking if they would mind.

That changed when she moved to Republic City. Not a month after opening her own clinic did she meet an Agni Kai triad member. He came in as a client and refused to pay. It was during this scuffle she used her knowledge of the body for harm instead of healing for the first time, but she found that she could not regret it. Especially since he left her with the scar almost the full length of her thigh

After this incident she moved locations to a safer neighborhood as she tried to get the council to see to reason. Nothing came of it despite her attempts. Soon after the move she was discovered the Equalist movement thanks to a flyer on her desk one morning, and joined it without hesitation. Regardless, though, if she has a massage to do (be it bender or non-bender) she will still keep her oath of “do no harm” through the duration of the massage.

There are days in which she regrets the dark path but sees no other option than to continue the dark spiral downward..



[ Coworker ] Fellow equalist that she respects, even if they do get into some trouble together sometimes.



[ Coworker ] Coworker but one she does not care too much for. He's crass and she does not want to be alone with him. Ever.



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