Charm's Comments

Is it possible to get this bab on hold for a WTA? (I'd love to do a short story for him, but want to wake up a bit more from my nap first)

Yes! I’ll hold them for you ^^

Sorry for the delay. A new puppy in the home threw me off more than I thought it would >.<;;

The spined dinosaur was just laying on the warmest rock in its enclosure. The colorful stones adorning its back throwing fractals of various hues around the nearby rocks and hard clay ground. The beast, currently dubbed as Charm, seemed to be very docile. It wasn't clear if this was because it was still recovering from the injury it had when they brought it in. Or if there wasn't enough nutrients in its diet to give it energy. Or if this was just its personality.

If Charm's personality was this docile, though, how were they going to weaponize this creature? Apex was an experiment and was also relatively docile most of the time, but it was much easier to flip a switch on that thing to turn it into the apex predator that it was named for. Charm, on the other hand... Well, this was the most energy that it ever seemed to have.

Charm stretched out and yawned, showing off rows of large fangs. They were intimidating to look at, for sure, but closer inspection had revealed that they were rounded down and were used more for getting leverage or crushing things than for grabbing and shredding. And the beast didn't seem to have any intention of using them on the caretakers. It eased up onto its four legs and lumbered surprisingly gracefully from the flat stone that had been its bed this morning. It shook out its body, the translucent spines offering a soft clinking as they tapped against each other. Now all loosened up, it took to the usual stroll around the edges of the enclosure. When passing close to the one-way glass, purple eyes looked up and right at the people on the other side of it, almost as if it could see them despite how unlikely that actually was.

As it continued the stroll, it moved to nudge a couple of the smaller boulders into new locations, then laid down in a new location.

"Are we sure that it's just acting docile?" the researcher asked as he ran a hand through his hair and looked up at his leader.

"Very," the older male stated with a sigh and a shake of his head. "If we see no changes, we'll need to return it to where we got it."

A female came jogging in at that point, then stopped to look over at Charm as well. "Sir, it turns out that we may have been wrong about what species this is," she stated, handing off a stack of messy papers.
"Apparently we've had another one similar to Charm a while in the past. Just with green stones instead of rainbow stones, and much larger. Either Charm is a juvenile that needs a more hands-on handling to keep it safe for us to deal with, or it's a female of the species. The assumption was that this specimen is a juvenile, because we believe that the females have smooth plates along their backs, rather than the stone spikes that this one has. But the previous studies have resulted in release for the protection of the people involved. So we should really work on preventing that, if we want to keep studying this beast"

The leader flipped through the pages before him, then sighed. "Work up a new log. We're going to start adding in socialization time for Charm. Maybe we can find a use for him in another decade or so."

Alias: Charm
Species: Unclear (Assumed Gemstone Stegosaur lineage)

Gender: Unclear (Assumed Juvenile Male)

Nature: Docile

Changes requested: Addition of socialization with staff and other creatures deemed safe.
Addition of a Tracker Tag
Addition of new foods for it to try

No worries! Also this little story is really cool! Accepted ^^

I’ll send the character asap :)

Ooh, I love them so much! Any chance I could possibly get them? Thank you so much if so! I'll also give ya fave ^^

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