


2 years, 11 months ago


Shard of Void

Name --
Age Unknown
Gender Any
Pronouns He/They
Resides On Earth
Species Void
Height Any
Build Slim
Hair Dark brown
Eyes Foggy
Sexuality Ace/Aro
Occupation Crybaby
Zodiac Unknown



Chomper and Spaghetti are made from the same matter, though Spaghetti will never admit it as he is ashamed to be associated with something so monsterous. As a child, he was picked up by Deities of Light who would raise him as their own. Previously used to be worshipped by many lifeforms before getting manipulated into depending on being worshipped to stay alive. After many decades of abuse, they eventually reached their limit and emotionally lashed out. This created a streak of destruction which started at destroying cities and ended at breaking planets. Disgusted with what he had done and fearing the judgement of other deities, they fled to an unknown planet for isolation. They eventually heard about Earth and wanted to investigate, almost falling back into the same loop of abuse trying to help humans. Now they are currently hiding within nature, not afraid to lash out at any human that bothers them. Occasionally talking with the Sun God (which sometimes just looks like he's yelling at the sky) as they were one of the gods who refused to give up on him. He was given the title of being the Sun's Seer as a joke because he tried to renounce his title as a deity. His friend, not wanting him to feel unimportant, joked that he could be his seer.

They exist throughout time and universe, having many alternate versions of themselves that they can sometimes meet. Different alternate versions can be older or younger, sometimes drastically. As they are a shapeshifter, they have no true canonical form. Their largest form was large enough to hold Earth in the palm of their hand. Other known heights are 5'10, 15ft, and 70ft.


  • Animals as he feels more connected and calm around them
  • Music and poetry
  • Laying in tall grass on a sunny day
  • Space and the moon. Often talks about 'wanting to go home'
  • Herbs and botany. Knows a lot about them and how to use them medicinally


  • Large groups of people
  • Loud noises such as thunder or motorcycles
  • Getting overwhelmed with strong emotions
  • Seeing others hurt
  • People not getting what they deserve