I would love to offer a trade, but before doing so.~ I saw she had an "Annie" tag, is she part of the Annie Closed Species~? Due to poor memory, I don't do well with Closed Species.~ >a< ♡

Oh I don’t actually know, I think that was left over tags from the previous owner, I wasn’t informed that it was a closed species and she just looks like a cat girl to me, I didn’t even know Annie’s was a closed species. I don’t see any documentation that she is, I’ve on the mindset of my design I can kinda do what I want but ofc I understand if you aren’t comfortable with that. 

Ah, okee.~ I just wanted to make sure before offering.~ As I didn't want to get caught up in any Closed Species drama.~ ;;a;; ♡

I'd still very much like to offer for her, I can offer characters from here.~ qwq ♡ (The Luthyien design is currently pending.~)

No worries I completely understand I’m in the same boat I was in 1 closed species ever and that shut down so now I’m kinda just probably not gonna do one again JAJAJ (not bc it shut down but bc no other one seems worth it tbh? No beef to the designers/owners) 


This one caught my eye the most, I really adore them, though a few others caught my eye as well if this is a hard no. I can also sweeten the pot a little with some art or another design if it’s a HMM MAYBE u know

Ah, no, I completely understand.~ I don't really have anything against them, I'd just rather not be involved in most of them, some of the rules are awful and give you zero room to evolve the character in any way.~ I also had a bad experience with a Closed Species, where I bought and traded for a character, I don't remember how much I paid for them, maybe $60 and I traded a character worth around $150 for them and the owner of the Species informed me after I bought/traded for the character, that the character was no longer worth anything, exactly $0.~ Since I had traded for the character on top of buying them, the traded nullified the sale, so it completely canceled the worth out.~ So when I went to trade/sell the character, I could only trade them for something cheap.~ So I lost around $200+ in value for them and I was none the wiser.~ ;;a;; ♡

And I'd definitely be able to do her~! She's been sitting for awhile and I'd love for her to go to someone who'll have a place for her~! I'll send her your way now~! qwq ♡

You are stronger than me because I wouldn’t have taken that, that’s an incredibly ridiculous rule that makes 0 sense and I’ve seen no other closed species do that. I would have been incredibly upset (I’m sure you were) and probably told the person off and probably end up black listed trying to argue with them fjdkdkdjej bc that’s INSANE to me. Im so sorry you went through that. I’d not want to be around CS for a long time too. If theirs any reassurance this girl has been sitting around for like a year and no one has DMed me about it so 🤷

This girl has also been sitting around for a while and while I had a general lore/idea for her I was going to use her as a DND NPC I realized my players will probably never interact with or only interact with once so decided to trade and just do a quick design completely separate for myself if they do speak to her but probably won’t oopsie. This one though will fit into my friends magical girl RP server and I can use her immediately so I’m excited! I’ll transfer the funny over now. 

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