Alune Dyn-Sa



2 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



Name: Alune Dyn-Sa
Species: Asmotheian Convert
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

Occupation: "The Divine" Empress
Mate: None Selected
Prime: None selected, she has elected several 'Sub Primes' to act as representatives within her Empire.
Orientation: Heterosexual

Alune heralded from one of the more stubborn systems under Agnieszka's ever present gaze. Stubborn and unruly, the system had refused to kneel until they had been all but destroyed in the ensuing battle for supremacy. With complete annihilation all but certain, Alune's father stepped forth to raise his hands in surrender and recognise the Empress's rule. It was not a popular choice in the beginning, yet one Warlord's decision was enough to shield his entire planet from an undesirable fate. In the years that followed, those that continued to dispute the legitimacy of the Empress's existence were removed from the equation and slowly but surely the system united under the rule of the single warlord who had chosen to recognise what stood before him. Agnieszka's methods were neither liked, nor appreciated, but in the end she gained respect within a nation that recognised what it was to exude strength... after all, they had been ruled by Warlords for generations.

It was during this time of rebuilding, a slow process that took more than several generations, that Alune stepped forward. Curious as to what the Asmotheian species were and what they sought to achieve, she opened herself to learning the nuances of their culture and what it was to be 'Hive'. It was a decision that ultimately led to her becoming a vocal supporter of their goals, in in time, ensured her own conversion. Having joined the Hive, her inquisitive mind proved to be intriguing to the Empress. Ever questioning, ever prodding, it sought to find knowledge that few seem to have considered. It was this intrigue that eventually turned the Empress's gaze towards the young Auragon and by extension her system. 

Alune's continued efforts to broker a better relationship with those within the system did not go un-noticed, and while the change was not immediate and didn't happen overnight, the system did eventually willingly join the Dyn-Sul Empire as Hive Born, and not simply citizens. The methods that had been used to achieve this were deemed to be of considerable use to an Empress who had acknowledged that there were several systems that might prove more of a challenge than others and thus, Alune was offered the opportunity to ascend to the ranks of Queen. No favours were asked of her, the young Auragon had already proven herself to be loyal to the Hive, and as such she was provided with the freedom to explore, expand and to create a world within the Asmotheian Collective that she could be proud of. It was Agnieszka's firm belief that on this occasion, this particular woman was one to watch, and was likely one that would bring the most in terms of results.

It is safe to assume that for now, Alune would be regarded as the Empress's Favourite.

Unsurprisingly her expansion into the Milky Way proved successful, it was by no means fast, but her methods of quiet diplomacy and the promotion of symbiotic relationships ensured that those that were converted to the cause were never forced and always fiercely loyal. 

Until very recently this queen has managed to expand throughout the systems with very little resistance and as a consequence, she has rarely need to take an aggressive stance. However, following an assault on her Hive by one of her own sisters it has become clear that while she might prefer peace, there are those who view this as a weakness and a potential opportunity. Now that one has assaulted her Hive it is only a matter of time before another attempts to do the same and she can only hope that when that time comes she can muster the same strength as she did before. Given the loyalty of her own citizens it is likely she'll succeed, but it is unwise to take anything for granted...


  • Fullbody
  • Several Single pieces with clear backgrounds.

Open To:
  • Roleplay, Cross world!
  • Potential Shipping with the right individual.
  • Further sub primes and planets that seek to join her empire.
  • Planetary alliances
Not Open To:
  • No haggling, if offering please be aware I will only humour full price.