Phantasm (The Stranger)



3 years, 2 months ago


During the tournament of power, a being named Phantasm came into existence. He was a construct, formed of mind and matter using wish magic. He was made to be the villain, the antagonist. He knew nothing else.

He followed his instincts, guided by an unknown force into unspeakable deeds.

But when a team of adventurers sacrificed themselves to shatter his source of power, destroying his chance at unlimited strength, he met death.

It terrified him.

He opened his eyes to a world remade after Phantom's victory, wiped clean of the destruction the tournament had caused. It would start anew, but Phantasm wouldn't.

He came back from death not wanting to be the villain any more.

"The Stranger is a higher being of unknown identity and origin. He has achieved a perfect soul, and is capable of using that power to directly combat eldritch and monstrous entities such as Hitch. It is rumored that he patrols the timelines regularly."