connie li



2 years, 11 months ago


❛ ♔ : connie li (chinese name li guiying)

⋯ ₀₁ echo ⋯  ₀₂ super hero ⋯ ₀₃ blind martial artist

▸| formerly a moonlighting vigilante in his late teen years, he took to fighting crime around his neighborhood bc the authorities were useless

▸| got in deep and busted up a gang - making enemies with a few different crimelords,,,

▸| fortunately(??) the Hero CommitteeTM took note of him and offered their help in exchange for him becoming a registered hero.

▸| as they say, "the rest is history". hes been a Real "Super Hero" for years now. happy accidents amirite? hes modest about it all tho,,

▸| first and foremost, let it be said that connie never planned nor wanted to be a hero. he had been happy in his lane and had aspirations of becoming a chef.

▸| but there came a point in his late teen years where he had gotten tired of biting his tongue and letting bullies run his part of town into the dirt - hed grown tired of the police that never helped, the politicians that made false promises, the voices of his community going unheard. ... so he started to use his fists instead.

▸| it wasnt supposed to get as big or go on as long as it had - but it seemed the more he dug the shadier he found things to be, until he was facing off with actual crime lords and VillainsTM.

▸| suddenly thrust in way over his head, when the Superhero Commitee stepped in to offer a hand in exchange for his official registering, connie begrudgingly accepted. he became "echo" the "superhero" instead of some nameless vigilante just trying to clean up his citys streets.

▸| due to his easy going and humble nature, 'echo' is a relative fan favorite among the general public. though he may not agree with everything the HC does or how the Big Guys wana handle their heroes - hes not one to openly complain. a small sarcastic joke here or there, but he keeps any negative opinions to himself.
▸| he helps his grandparents (whom raised him and taught him his cooking and kung fu skills) financially with his hero salary but chose to move out to keep them safe - he visits frequently though!
▸| connies a relatively open book. he helps because he wants to, and would prefer to stick to "small scale" jobs that help the little guy; though he has done his fair share of partnering up on bigger jobs. its not really his skillset though and he knows that,,, monsters and big bads??? mmm nah, not really his department,,,

▸| skills include: shaolin wushu (staff is his preferred weapon), qi manipulation, heightened senses sans sight (he can "see" through vibration, ala toph atla style) and dang can he cook good.
▸| qi manipulation: "The power to manipulate the flow of latent energy that is present in the physical body. The control of one’s Chi/Qi can allow for extraordinary abilities, strength, speed, stamina, durability and reflexes." Connies always had a great well of inner qi and has learned to harness it throughout his life to accomplish different superhuman feats.

▸| transmale, 28 (officially registered as a hero at 19), pansexual. 5'6, slender muscle - quite bendy!