Caspian // 🐟



2 years, 11 months ago



Name: Caspian

Age: Adolescent

Species: Canine


Nickname: Cas, Caprisun, Capri

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Role: Ambivert

A blue dog that's half Elmer's glitter glue with a blue fin down his back, a pair of wings attached to his behind, and a fishtail with two orange stars dangling off of it. Caspian is the prince of an underwater kingdom called Pelagos and was originally a full merdog- he had a full tail instead of hind legs. banished from it after his ex-boyfriend outed him out for being gay. He escaped to the surface and as soon as he breathed in the air, he was transformed. Caspian had grown back legs and wings formed onto his behind, and a medium blue fin grew on his back. Β He found Joygun laying down on the shore who was a distant, aloof loner who hates people, and yet took him in and let him stay in his house. Joygun showed him the village he lived in, Avismah, and slowly, with the help of Caspian, opened up to the people living there, including Lunar who immediately appointed herself as Caspian's adoptive mother and helped take care of him, much to Joygun's jealousy. He also met Sukiyaki, his current best friend and he often helps out at her fashion shop, Finest Stitch. As time went on, Joygun and Caspian grew closer and closer until finally Joygun asked him out and the two started dating.

(A more detailed backstory can be found in Caspian's Literature tab)

  • The nickname Caprisun comes from an inside joke between me and my friend
  • He's half Elmer's glitter glue, half dog, and half fish
  • Commissioned him for 150 dA points
  • Birthday is on July 16
  • Has an adoptive mother, Lunar, who adopted him when he came up from the surface
  • Best friend is Sukiyaki and he often helps out at her business, Finest Stitch
  • Is dating Joygun ❀️ 
Design Notes:
  • The first star hangs down lower than the second one
  • Hind legs are liquid EXCEPT for the paws
  • Wings are attached to his behind
  • Collar and stars on his tail are not optional
  • Not very fluffy except for his hair which is VERY fluffy
  • Joygun ❀️
  • The ocean
  • Swimming
  • Blueberry smoothies
  • Stargazing
  • His ex, Adrian
  • Being lost
  • Shows that kill off gay characters
  • Extremely cold temperatures
  • Spiders

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