


2 years, 10 months ago



[ Discord User] MischiefIsTrue

[ Species ] Canine

[ Height ] 5ft 8

[ Age ] 18

[ Place of birth ] Kansas

[ Residence ] Kansas

[ Gender ] Male

[ Pronouns ] He/Him

[ Orientation ] Pan 

[ Status ] Single

[ P r o f i l e ]

37221209_hcajjTSpFvtGrOT.png?token=eyJ0eMischief is a gamer. He plays a LOT of games but his favorites are currently Tf2, Dead By Daylight, and Overwatch! He runs his own discord server where he and his friends all can talk and hang out! Mischief isnt a competitive but loves to set up competitions for everyone in the server to participate in! Mischief doesnt like to cause drama, hes pretty laid back, and as such he doesnt let any of it happen in the server.

He also does digital art! He loves to draw spamton because "hes just a little guy! How could you not want to draw him!!" He may or may not have an unhealty obsession with him.

Full Reference Here

[ P e r s o n a l I t y ]

He's very laid back, typically keeping drama out of his way! Some people say that he's too hyper or too loud some times. His mamma didnt raise no boy without manners, and as thus hes pretty respectful of people he deems deserve respect! When he gets mad, you dont want to be near him, he gets VERY mad and upset, and thus its hard to get him to calm down.

[ L i k e s  &  D i s l i k e s ]

✔ The Color Green ✖ Drama                     
✔ Music ✖ Squash                    

✔ Painting ✖ Those diamond art things                     

[ H o b b i e s ]

• Digital Art
• Sewing
• Thrifting

[ H a b i t s ]

• Nail Biting
• Overthinking

[ S t a t i s t i c s ]









[ G a m e s ]

Team Fortress 2
Sniper and engineer main, but has a preference for sniper. He loves getting headshots and immediately taunting just to piss people off When he plays with Puck, he will specifically go spy just to annoy him. He will only do it once every so often so that he doesnt catch on(Puck knows but he lets him do it anyways)

Dead By Daylight
Huntress and demo main if you catch him playing killer. He wont admit it but he loves when he hits a hit with either of them. He once said that demo is just like huntress but shorter ranged. If hes playing survivor, He loves to play Jake or Steve. He has almost all of steves cosmetics, and he loves to mix and match! Jake was his first ever played character and he still plays him to this day.

Absolutely LOVES to play Lucio, but a master at all healers. He hate brig because he doesnt enjoy her playstyle. If you ever catch him playing tank or dps, he usually plays Rein, Dva, Junkrat, or Mcree

Dedicated player since 2013, he's seen a lot through this game. He used to play pocket edition before he had access to a PC, not his proudest moment. He's never been good at PvP but he tries. He loves to play Hypixel and was around when the skyblock first opened. Hes been on a bunch of servers through the years and made many friends.

[ T r i v i a ]

• He once got called a sweaty Lucio main for just playing lucio how he usually does

• He loves fall themed candles

• He loves halloween and christmas

• He enjoys baking and cooking with things from the farm.

• Loves to paint but doesnt because its tedious and takes a long time

• He loves to take pictures, and has a polaroid camera just for it

• He loves looking at the stars and clouds, theyre comforting to him

• Hates to admit it but loves basement trapper in dbdt
[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

Best Friends

Best Friends since they could walk! They do a lot together and have been through a lot together. Once, Jestr thought that it would be a good idea to brew some moonshine with some stuff that was left over from harvest. Spoiler alert: it wasnt

Best Friends

Best friend of 5 years now. Theyve never gotten the chance to meet eachother irl but have always wanted to, theyve made plans to meet up in the future

Friend/Mother Figure

Rike, The mother of the server! Mischief treats her like a mother because shes the best hes got anymore. He'll go to her to vent or just to even talk about his day.


Met eachother through Overwatch in 2018 and have been friends ever since! Theyve considered meeting up in the past but Lex is too nervous to make the plane ride to kansas


Friends after meeting eachother through a game of Dead By Daylight! Jake was on killer, and was only friendly to Mischief! Both dedicated steam players, Mischief decided to add Jake! Its been history since!


After playing in an Overwatch game together where they had great synergy, Mischief added her! They play Overwatch together a lot, and once the server was made, she was added promptly since before that they talked via blizzard chat. Now, they video chat just to hang out and vibe!


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[ H i s t o r y ]

June 13
Birth! Came out at a healty weight of 10 pounds, he was a big baby!
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur  adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis  convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut  augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex  arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem  sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum,  blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor  vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum  nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex.
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex.
orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur  adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis  convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut  augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex  arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem  sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum,  blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor  vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum  nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex.
[ P l a y l i s t ]

A Song That He Enjoys:

Spotify Playlist:
Full Playlist Here
