


2 years, 11 months ago


Story excerpt:

Tovenaar hadn’t spoken a word since the return of the princesses and the first word out of his mouth was… "Zuri." He flew up to her and stayed mid-air so they were leveled. Tovenaar stared intently and tapped his fellow fae's button nose to check it wasn't broken. "Don't throw caution to the wind." He advised, worried she wouldn't be so lucky next time.

He tilted his head side to side making sure she was fine, then upright, then a hand gently slid under her chin to lift for another angle so their eyes met. "I'd clip your wings if it would save your life." He half-joked, half-threatened but fully meant.

Starting to feel a bit shy though it did not show, he withdrew and sped off after his assigned Serein's heir.