


2 years, 10 months ago




Age: 6 

Tiny is a small crossbreed between a husky and a fennec fox, and his height is around 4'3. 

Backstory: Tiny was born under a female fennec fox, named violet, and his father Tristan who was also a fennec fox. He was raised by them both until the age of two when his father Tristan had found out he wasn't the biological father, and tiny's real father was a husky at his mother's work who sooner or later moved to herlen in the south of Burnsley.

This caused Tristan to burst out in anger, kicking violet, along with tiny out of their small cabin.

A few months go by and tiny had ended up in a child's carrier basket on Tristan's doorstep, turned out that violet couldn't take care of tiny anymore due to mental health issues, and neglecting tiny, often forgetting to feed, change, bathe, or generally just taking care of him. 

Tristan found it hard to leave tiny on his own, so he took him in once again and raised him until he was about four. He of course didn't have the knowledge to take care of him, but he tried his best. Often he would burst out in anger and yell at the toddler to shut up during nights he would cry, though he would immediately apologize right after, and taking the small child out for dinner or dessert in the small village.  Through the two years Tristan was trying to find out or get ahold of violet, though she had left with a slight trace, she had left to herlen to live with the worker she had an affair with. 

Ater finding this out he had given up hope of getting ahold of violet and gave up. A few months later, Tristan had just tucked tiny into bed and went to his bed beside the crib where tiny slept, hours into the night tiny's dad had heard shuffling and woke up quickly, only to spot violet picking up the stirring toddler, in shock he had got up and grabbed the child away from her. Which caused tiny to start crying due to motion, he started to yell at the female, asking questions like "why are you in my house", "why are you trying to take my son". Violet seemed to be in a horrible mental state and broke into a horrible fit of rage, starting to physically attack Tristan holding tiny with a glass bottle that had been on his nightstand. in fatherly instinct, Tristan had punched the female in the face while holding tiny with his other arm, who was screaming and crying. Violet took this horribly and took out a knife from her bag that hung from her shoulders, screaming random things and saying "give me back my son!" "Give him back now!" Along with many curses.

Tiny's father had gotten stabbed three times shielding the toddler crying in his arm from the swings of the blade from violet. He had ran away limply from the cabin and outside away from violet, who had begun to trash the place. Tristan was a few moments away from the place, cradling the crying child, making small cooeing sounds to calm tiny down. Though sadly while comforting the boy he had passed away holding tiny in his arms, dying from blood loss. 

Violet had seemed to given up, setting the cabin on fire after her failed attempt to kidnap tiny. She left, never bothering to came back. 

A goat named Crowley had found the sad sight of a crying child in the arms of a dead man, he had reported the case to the Knight's of their village, though they couldn't find violet, and with his biological father refusing to take him in, they had no choice but to give tiny up to the villages orphanage. Where now in present time, he is 6, and watching the village become a busy one every morning from the orphanage fence's.