Amaya Melissa Baxter



2 years, 10 months ago


  • Amaya Melissa Baxter

  • age 31
  • gender Female
  • race Vampire/Nephilim Hybrid
  • role Mother/ Owner and Operator of The Association
  • theme

Caring • Cautious • Protective


Born on September 15, 1990 to Mikael and Jessica West. As a child, Amaya had a very happy, normal childhood. It wasn't until a month after her fifth birthday that the young child would learn first hand how cruel the world could be. After Amaya was sent to bed that night, her parents remained up. They talked for hours as they usually did, having not suspected that their line of work would soon come back to haunt them. At about One Thirty A.M. a raven hit the sliding glass door of their home, startling the couple. Mikael went to check on the noise, but the bird got up and flew off when Mikael went out to check on it.

The struggle that followed as four people appeared from the shadows woke the sleeping child. She would come downstairs to find a living nightmare. The young woman found her mother dead on the floor, her father barely clinging to life as a man hovered over him, fangs in his throat. He told her to run and she did, making it halfway up the stairs before she was caught by one of the females that had killed her parents. In a panic, Amaya screamed and cried, kicking at the woman. Her screams were what drew a Hunter to her aid. The man that saved the little girl that night took her under his wing and adopted her. He had been a close friend of the family for a very long time as well as Mikael’s former boss. He raised Amaya as his own from that night on, teaching her how to defend herself and others as she grew to adulthood. That wasn't all he taught her though. He also taught her about all the things that go bump in the night and how to kill them.

After high school, Amaya joined the army but not before going through some mild trauma. As if hunting wasn't enough, one of the men that worked with her had become obsessed over the years, all of it coming to a head when he kidnapped her and buried her alive. She was found, six hours later by her best friends. During the six years she remained in the service of the United States Military, not only did she become an excellent combat soldier the young woman proved herself worthy with a sniper rifle as well. By the end of her six year Army career she had become a Sergeant, even having been allowed to take her most favored rifle, Sally with her after she retired. At the age of twenty five, Amaya found out that her Adopted father, Darren had been diagnosed with cancer. The young woman worked harder than ever to seek out the vampires that had killed her family in hopes that she could make her Adopted father proud before his death, in doing so, she took over his company.

For a while, even after her adopted father's death everything seemed fine. She was working toward her goal, making sure that her people were well trained and capable of keeping themselves and others safe. She was on a case when she first met the Winchesters, though she tended to get along with Dean more, Sam's intellect drew her in and she wound up keeping in contact with both of them through the years, often hunting with them even while dating an Angel. She had been in town, hunting down an Aswang, particularly nasty creature that, after getting into an argument with Balthazar, led the woman leaving town and stopping in a nearby diner. She didn't realize until it was too late that the creature she was hunting had killed everyone there. It attacked her next and the woman fought for her life, losing her appendix and nearly her life but thankfully, Balthazar saved her.

The woman remained in Lebanon, meeting a man that claimed to have been hired by her company to find her. She found out later that he was, in fact Men of Letters. Having very little information on him, she trusted him, even going as far as leaving her friends to go with the man. She stayed with him for quite some time, at least until he tried to kill her. She wound up taking his life instead, though he nearly killed her in doing so and eventually she went back to Los Angeles, focusing on her company.

Her life, however would take another life changing turn when she walked into her office to find a man seated in her chair, claiming that he owned the company and her father had worked for him the whole time. The young woman couldn't believe what she was hearing. Having serious doubts about what he was saying and unwittedly discovering, when the man shot himself in the chest with his own gun, that he was what she would later learn to be a Primordial being by the name of Vlad. He was not the only one she would meet that night, however. The second person, the one that changed the course of her life forever, was Vlad's 'son', Vincent. The Primordial vampire compelled her and slept with her in order to save her life, leaving his jacket behind when they were done.

She found a ticket and backstage passes within the pocket, the concert for one of her favorite bands. She didn't realize until she got there that Vincent was the lead singer, the woman having spent the past week attempting to come to terms with what had happened. Little did she know that the tickets had come from Marki, an empath and Vincent's brother. She had met him at a bar, a couple nights after the incident, started talking and found him easy to talk too, comforting even. Truth be told, in the few hours that she'd spent talking to him, she had developed a crush on the man... Only to find out that he was, in fact, very gay. She debated on going, finally saying screw it on he night of the concert and went to it.

That night, she saw an entirely different side of Vincent and over the duration of a few weeks, they wound up dating. However, Things got complicated. She found out that she was pregnant with their eldest son, Jaxon. They got married a few days later, in Russia but knowing that they would never be left alone by Vlad, they seperated. Amaya went to Russia and Vincent continued to do whatever it was that Vlad called upon him for. They lived like this for a while, only seeing each other once or twice until the baby was born. Their decision to seperate came with a price, however. One that they would pay much later in life. Jaxon wasn't the only one to be raised like this, though. A few years later, Amaya had another son, Damon. They lived with each other for a while, until Vlad found them. Vincent fended him off as Amaya took the boys back to America. Marki helped her as much as he could but once Vincent came home, they decided that it would be better, safer for the boys to leave them with their uncle and seperate once again.

It was during this time that Amaya had decided to go back to school, majoring in business so that she could run her business more efficently. She hid her ring, telling no one that she was married, not even her 'boyfriend' at the time. She kept up the ruse, even when she found out that her father was not only still alive but an archangel. The boys, however had different ideas. They missed their mother and decided to go see her, showing up at the college and surprising the woman. Vincent was posing as Valerie at the time, Amaya's best friend and, unbeknownst to anyone, lover.

An incident happened at the school and Vincent took the boys with him, leaving Amaya to take care of their daughter, Alina who had slipped into a magical coma due to a spell. She kept her in California until the girl finally woke up, months later. Amaya was relieved, taking her daughter and leaving the school to return to her husband's side with their daughter. For a while, they lived in relative peace, at least until they grew tired of living in fear. Amaya made the decision to become a vampire, asking Vincent to turn her. Once she came back to life she and Vincent started searching for a weapon to take Vlad down, once and for all, but it wouldn't be them that would do it. In a twist of fate, it was a family friend by the name of Aurora that found the weapon and killed him. What Amaya didn't know, however was that upon killing Vlad, the man took Vincent and Marki with him.

Devistated, she pleaded with the new Primordial to bring them back. The woman did and she went home with them, raising Alina and eventually their twins, Chloe and Madison along with their youngest Serenity. With Vlad gone, they managed to get a few years of peace, at least without outside influences but that didn't stop the internal pot from boiling over. Their eldest left home, but not before making it perfectly clear that he wanted nothing to do with his parents. At first, Amaya tried desperately to fix things with their eldest but the more she tried, the more she wound up pushing him away. Finally, Amaya gave up, focusing on her relationships with Damon and her other four children, only to discover that she had another on the way.

"I love you, I've always loved you and will always love you... But I understand... I'm sorry."

height 5'5

build Slender/Athletic

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Bisexual

dob September 15, 1990

sign Virgo

origin Slavic/American

occupation Owner and Operator of The Association

mbti ISFJ

demeanor Cold, Logical

tarot Strength

element Water


  • Family
  • The Military
  • Vodka
  • Peace


  • Vlad
  • Disloyalty
  • Dishonor
  • Threats to her family

The Beginning

September 15, 1990 Amaya Melissa Johnson was born to Mikael and Jessica West. The two raised their child until the age of five when they were killed by vampires who had a longstanding grudge against the two. They would have killed Amaya as well if it hadn't been for Darren, a Hunter and family friend who found the girl and adopted her, raising her as his own.


Between attempting to maintain a normal social life, Hunting and homework? High School was difficult for her. She was constantly searching for the vampires that killed her parents, along with getting her jaw broken by a lamia, being buried alive by a man that worked with her at her father's company and eventually graduating and going into the military. It wasn't easy, but she made it. Diploma in hand and went on to the next big adventure.

The Military

Amaya spent six years in the Military, during which she was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. War is a horrible, devistating thing for anyone to witness, but for Amaya, she had one of the worst experiences one can think of. After she became a sniper, she was doing over watch on a mission and was forced to shoot a fifteen year old boy when he would not obey orders and stop moving towards the group. It was during the gunfight that spawned from that when she was shot in the shoulder, ending her military career. Her bravery and service was rewarded and she was honorably discharged as a Sergeant.

The Change

A lot happened after she got out of the Military. She met the Winchesters, which in turn led her to meet a British Man of Letters who would later try to kill her. She wound up killing him then eventually went back to Los Angeles. After focusing on The Association, the woman came into her office to find a man seated behind her desk. As fate would have it, Vlad, the Primordial of War and Rage had set his sights on her. What he had planned, she could only guess, but after the shock of the man shooting himself and surviving, he summoned his 'son', Vincent. He compelled her to sleep with him to sate Vlad's sick need to be entertained and to keep her alive. It was a few years after that, and with the help of his younger brother Marki that they started dating, married and she eventually asked him to turn her into a vampire.


Amaya lives with her Husband in Los Angeles, helping her son Damon as much as she can after his brother left. Her and Vincent are raising Alina, Madison and chloe, Amaya being pregnant with another on the way. She's happy, though she knows she could have been a better mother to her boys. She does her best, giving up on hunting in favor of just running the Association and handling the paperwork in order to spend more time with her kids and her husband. She has tried to make things right with her eldest, with both of her boys but she's given up for the most part, finding that the more she pushed, the further away her oldest drifted.


Vincent Baxter

[ Husband ] Though the circumstances of their meeting weren't ideal, after some nudging from his younger brother, unbeknownst to Amaya, they did wind up together. A year or two after they started dating, they got married in Russia and currently have six children together. Amaya is fiercely protective of him and her Children, ocassionally a tiny bit jealous.


Marius 'Marki' Baxter

[ Brother in Law ] Marki means a lot to Amaya. He took care of and basically raised her boys when she couldn't and he's the reason that she even got with Vincent in the first place. She loves him like a brother, appreciates everything that he's done and recognizes that he is literally the glue that holds their family together.



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