


2 years, 11 months ago



Name: Charlie

Nickname(s): Anything goes tbh


 Gender: Demiboy

Sexuality: Homosexual

 Age: 37

 Birthday: September 12th

 Species: Mightyena

 Type(s): Dark

 Colour Mutation: N/A

 Height: 6'4

 Weight: 204 lbs

Personality Information

 Nature: Hardy

 Characteristic: Alert to sounds

 Positive Traits 

Loyal; To a fault, likely due to his canine blood Charlie is very much so the man to go down with the ship. Hard to earn, easy to hold.

Gentle; Charlie understands violence. He was bred from it, bred it himself, and now he despises it. His gruff, steely exterior hide the gentlest hands with a deep regard for never harming anyone again.

Observant; In his line of business you have to be. The little details in behaviours and speech, it tells so much.

Cleanly; He looks like hell, but his fur is shampooed and clean. His house is spotless and you could eat off the floor. It's born out of something terrible, but being quite clean is a great trait nonetheless.


 Neutral Traits

Quiet; A man of few words

Defiant; Dogged loyalty does not mean he's a pushover. Charlie will never be abused again and he will defend himself as well as those he cares about.

Loner; It's not really a conscious choice to be fair... But trauma can be a fickle thing.

Wary; His old life could haunt him, these new people could hurt him. He faces everything with a pinch of uncertainty and wariness. A thin bracer between him and the world.

Bad Traits


Crass; As it says on the tin really. It's not to be rude on purpose, he is just tired and not in the best of headspaces.

Guilty; It eats him alive. The things he's seen, the things he's done. He's so, so, so sorry. It was all he knew. He promises he never wanted to hurt anyone.

Paranoid; You're probably going to hurt him, a feral beast is going to get him, the shadows are alive. He will wake up and find he never escaped the gang. He's still a killer.

Insomniac; Nightmares and memories are a terrible concoction. He is mistaken for being lazy as he desperately tries to sleep, usually only finding it in the early morning light.

Ability and Moveset

 Ability: Moxie


1. Crunch-Dark

"Fueled with dark energy, Charlie can bite with terrifying and damaging force beyond his jaw strength."

2. Yawn-Normal

"Inspired by his own desire to sleep, Charlie can emit a powerful yawn that makes his target slowly fall asleep."

3. Sucker Punch-Dark

"With surprising speed, Charlie delivers a harsh unexpected punch to a sensitive area of the body, most commonly the gut"

4. Play Rough-Fairy

"Charlie attacks violently, inflicting rapid powerful hits to his enemy in often brutal enslaughts."


(very heavy backstory! Mostly alluded themes of violence/abuse/abusive relationships/internalized homophobia/murder/drugs/scars/ptsd/crime/general bad things. I don't mention most of his life but I'll still warn you)

Canon Context/Island View

Charlie doesn't like to talk about his past much. The only information that seems to be common about it is that it was rough-as a severe understatement. There is never any mention of his parents, family, lovers, or friends. His body is utterly littered in scars varying from deep stab wounds to scratches, to a series of scar tissue from many repeated cuts tucked into his armpit that he cringes about when asked. There's a (true) rumour that he grew up in a violent gang, never knew any other life until he packed a letter of drug money away to Mirage isle and fled his past life. He has developed a severe sense of paranoia and dread and keeps his new home painfully clean. He's standoffish and scoffs, flinches, or ignores you when pressed about his history.

The Life of a Sad Hyena

Charlie was born to be a killing machine, and from the moment he could reasonably be taught violence, he simply was. He grew up seeing drugs, sex, murder, and crimes of all flavours and ultimately was numb to it all. His first birthday gift was a switchblade he cut himself on by accident, a tiny little blade that repredented his purpose. Failure was met with abuse from his father, who was the first to teach him that love is pain. To hurt is to shape someone, so, to hurt is to protect, to hurt is to love. He held no problems with this sentiment at the time, why would he? He first kills at the age of 13, and soon it becomes his normal day to day life. It was these few years that garnered the most scars that were not inflicted by her. He was a child, but even that fact was something despised-children were weak and Charlie was meant to be strong. And so, not without failure, he ceased to be a child.

If it wasn't for his best friend since practical birth, Tony, he might have died. Not in the physical sense, but that of emotion and soul. When his hands shook and blood stained his coat Tony would hug him, and tell him it was okay. He would curl up against his broad chest and listen to his breathing, listen to his heartbeat, reassured that he was alive and well. Yet terrified of the day his heart would cease. He didn't like killing, but he was born to it, raised on it, and-he was good at it. He was a little monster, as the adults called him, all decayed smiles and sharp canines. Tony was the only one that looked into his eyes and called him Charlie. Charlie the person, the friend. On nights where they needed each other most, they would curl around each other, and Tony would kiss his face so gently he cried, clinging to him. Tony would whisper to him that they were stuck, but they were stuck together so it was okay. One day they would escape, together, when it was safe to.

Charlie didn't know at the time that a man could love a man, did not know that he was a man who only loved men at all until much later. But in darker nights, he reflects, he sobs, and he knows that Tony was his first and only true love.

He meets her at the age of 17. His friends(were they really) said she was beautiful, but really Charlie had only ever found Tony to be beautiful. Nonetheless, her advances begin, and he simply strays away from her at first. It was his father's insistence and influence that makes him reluctantly accept her advances. She was clearly in love with him, she was an asset, a gang spy that was incomparable in skill, and he was a killer unlike men twice his age even. The kids they would make would be perfection. His dad spoke the truth, and, even if he was to speak lies and words that made him puke in his mouth who was he to say otherwise? If he did, he may be killed. 

He doesn't like her, her love is sharp and harsh, like his fathers only this left such physical scars. "To hurt is to love" he would whisper to bloodied bandages. He was no longer allowed to be bunkmates with Tony, he had to live with her, but on nights she left him alone he would sometimes limp to Tony's embrace. He cried less than Tony on these nights, so cold and closed off to everyone but him, but Tony wept for the both of them so it was okay. She doesn't want to care for children, so when his firstborn arrives she gives little Candycane away. If it were up to her she wouldn't be named, but Charlie had always loved Candycane's and it was the only name he could think of. He personally recommends Tony, who raises his daughter to be a polite and gentle creature. Such innocence and brightness that Charlie had never seen before. He had not wanted to conceive a child, but he loved her just as dearly.

After watching his father do the unthinkable, Charlie is suddenly in a rush to help Tony and Candycane escape. He is too high profile to escape himself, but he has skills, he can help them disappear. On the pier, with Tony and Candycane, they all embrace, and sob. When Tony kisses him, gently, but with passion, he kisses back. He has been kissed many times before, but this is the first time it feels right. He wants to kiss him forever and a day, but for everyone's sake they will never meet again. Charlie feels the loss before he sees the boat disappears. It hurts, killing him inside in an agonizing manner that he had never experienced before.

Charlie is a new man. He is not the quiet timid creature he was before, he has bite, his ability to kill and stalk seeping into his attitude. He stands for nothing anymore, picking fights and defending himself tooth and nail. His father dies by his own hands without care when he shoots Charlie in the abdomen, aiming to kill his disobedient child. His reputation grows feared. In years to come his anger fuels him, and in his defiance, she has the audacity to leave him. He cackles like a hyena, a haunting sound that echoes the streets as she leaves. 

When he finally leaves himself nobody bothers to chase him(that he is aware of.) He was uncontrollable and unpredictable, if he had stayed he probably would have been "put down" at some point anyway. He flees the gang, his hometown, his life. For years his anger slowly simmers down, until it is hollow as he is. It's a lot of reflection and self-discovery, staring at cracked hotel walls and smoking cigars. Its apathy that settles into his bones, a familiar uncaring nature over his pain. The world had so many things he didn't understand or know of. Armed with a cigar and a curious eye he turns to the web to discover all he had been kept away from. It's uncomfortable, to find words and meanings to feelings he had never understood. He was gay, he was a demiboy? All these words and meanings he had never known. But all this meant was the last 37 years were a lie. He was so utterly alone, and honestly probably in danger of being hunted down for sport.

When he hears about Mirage Isle, there is little hesitation in shipping away his remaining money and problems for a new life. Besides, he had never flown before, live life to its fullest and all that right?

Extra Information


-Meat prepared for him by others(he cannot handle raw meat by himself anymore without having at least a minor crisis)

-Gentle contact

-The quiet

-The colour pink


-Loud places

-Roughness or plain violence 

-Being restricted

-The word "love"

Fears: His past, waking up and realizing he never escaped, that love truly does hurt, bleeding, dying alone, being alone while alive, honestly alot.

Fun Facts

-He is a beekeeper

Voice Claim: Animated Wolverine

Theme Song: The Guardian-Shawn James
