Bui Klausen



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Bui

Age: 19

Birth place: Outkast island

Height: 5’9’

Dragon (if you have one): he’s a dragon hunter.

Weapon: long cruel daggers laced with various poisons

Bio/personality: casually cruel, he has no heart and his happiest moments is when he is destroying something beautiful.

Backstory: Bui was born different, he would pull the wings off bugs and hit animals for fun. This wasn’t unique on Outkast island but as time went on and he didn’t grow out of it, people were worried. He came to the realisation that joining the dragon hunters suited him perfectly, and he started experimenting with 

poisons and traps for dragons. Iann found him at 17 beating up a terrible terror and took him under her wing although she was pretty much his age. The mask hides all. He is now fiercely loyal to her and is her first. This means he translates for her and wears a red changewing cape.


Name: Venus

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birth place: Melody Island

Height: 5"7

Dragon (if you have one): -

Weapon: Venus prefers to use her powers to fight or her sword. 

Bio/personality: Venus has very sensitive hearing and other senses, making her rather defensive when meeting new people as she prefers a quiet life, growing up on Melody island from a young girl she became unaffected by the Deathsong's melody. Able to replicate their songs to a certain degree of accuracy. She is quite a closed off girl.

Backstory: Venus was born and raised on Melody island by a group of Deathsongs, in the beginning being shunned from the group as she wasn't a deathsong, however she tried to replicate their song as she would need them all to survive her childhood. She did eventually become one of their 'clan' and stayed with the deathsongs for most of her life, often returning home to visit the clan. She has an X shaped scar across the bridge of her nose from when she was a child and got into a fight with an invading dragon who was attacking her home. She defended their island from the dragon but earned the scar.

Appearance: Below

Weapon of choice: Damascus sword forged by way of her own fire

Type of sky dancer: Lightning/Energy ~~shadow~~