Maverick Sir Morris



2 years, 10 months ago



Name Maverick Morris

Gender Cis man

Age 25

DoB June 18th

Height 6’2

Race Black

Weight 230 lbs








Value                                                              N/A



  • kids
  • sports
  • singing


  • guns
  • conflict
  • cold weather


Maverick grew up in a poor neighborhood to his mother and father. He was the youngest of three kids. Neither of his parents were fit to care for him so the responsibility fell on his older sister and brother Max and Matteo. Although both of them were involved in illegal activities and gang violence they did the best they could to take care of and protect their younger brother from the violence around them. He was often outcast by his parents and peers for many reasons; his looks, his sensitivity, his interests. He usually felt as if he didn't belong and his sister was one of the only people to tell him otherwise. When he was eleven Maxine passed, leaving the full weight of caring for Maverick on a 16 year old, much more emotionally stunted Matteo, who often tried to ‘fix’ him rather than help him. Despite his rough upbringing, Maverick was able to go on to be the first in his family to attend college, deciding to help and teach young kids in similar situations..


Maverick is 6’2 and 230 lbs. He has a strong build and a soft belly, perfect for cuddling. He has dark skin and vitiligo, causing some of the hairs on his body to be a bright white(apart from the hair on his head which he dyes black) he has heterochromia and a small heart shaped mark under his right eye. He has a bright smile and a large gap in his front teeth that he's not ashamed of showing off.


As an adult Mav is a very happy and affectionate person. He tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, never bothering to hide his feelings. He's not the brightest by any means and is easily distracted and/or upset by small things. He likes bright colors and enjoys trying new things even if he may not be good at it!

Fun facts

  • Mav was born and raised in Texas
  • He's struggled a lot with internalized homophobia and a fear of not being as tough or “masculine” as people expect from him
  • After college he became the football coach and music teacher at his old elementary school.
  • He’s a horrible cook, he eats out most nights because attempting to prepare food will probably result in a kitchen fire
  • He tends to cry a lot. Pet videos, happy music, old people eating alone, it doesn't take much to bring him to tears
  • He has a very beautiful singing voice and an interest in musical arts which is what made him decide to be a music teacher.
  • He has undiagnosed ADHD



Maxine Morris

 Older sister (by 10 yrs) 

Mavericks older sister and role model, Maxine. They were very close and he considered her a mother figure


Matteo Morris

 Older brother (by five years) 

mavericks older brother. Much more strict than his sister. They love each other dearly but there is a strain on the relationship


Emelio sanchez

 First love 

mavericks best friend and first love. They began dating in their second year of high school. When Matteo found out, Mav ended their relationship senior year without explanation and they haven't spoken since
