Ayumi Eguchi



2 years, 11 months ago


 "the thrills of waterpolo flows through my body!" 
ayumi eguchi



July 23

156 cm




Blood type



Kurashiki City


Rikka Gakuen High-School



Emiri Kato (Japanese) ; Alexis Tipton (English)











  • Aesthetic and cute accessories
  • Pastel blue
  • Blogging
  • Chatting
  • Waterpolo
  • Rilakkuma
  • Seals

  • Beef stew
  • Centipedes
  • Needles
  • Asparagus
  • Digital watches
  • Exerting too much effort
  • Convenience store kitchen

  • Ayumi is very fascinated with Western food, and likes combining them with Eastern food.
  • Her older brother Kizami, the captain of a waterpolo team, influenced her to take an interest in waterpolo.
  • Her fondness for fish came from the fact that her father is a fisherman.
  • She easily gets seasick.
  • Despite not looking like it, she is pretty competent in her studies.
  • Her main equipment consists of:
    • Ipad Pro 2021 + MOFii Bluetooth Keyboard
    • Dual Monitor Desktop
    • Macbook Air
  • She is seen getting along with Jojima, Babayaro, and to some extent Eitaro.


Ayumi is a cheerful and good-natured girl who tries to see the positive side of things, which is both a good thing and bad thing. She struggles with reading the mood of the situations, resulting in her doing things that have no effect. She easily gets emotional during sentimental moments and is romantic at heart. Due to her ditzy nature, almost everyone around her doesn't take her seriously and is prone to being teased.

She is shown to be quite unaware of her surroundings; inept at adapting to groups and shown by her struggles to read moods. Her passion for blogging also makes her easy to judge and make conclusions without supporting evidence. She is  very keen about the latest gossip/rumors she hears about, and shockingly enough- she doesn’t know the full repercussions of her gossip. Her enthusiasm for gossip is a result of neglect; having been overshadowed by her parents’ and brother’s success, she felt inferior so she pursued it in order to gain attention and success like them.

With her interactions with the water polo teams, Ayumi is able to develop social sensitivity and try her best to understand situations at hand. She also learns to draw the line between validated information and gossip, turning her from a gossiper to a legit reporter.


Ayumi is a relatively short girl with long burgundy hair tied into low twintails with flower pins and indigo eyes. She is usually seen wearing the Rikka Gakuen school uniform, with a beige blazer sweater worn on top.


Ayumi was born to a fisherman and a financial manager, and is the youngest of the family, with her older brother working as a professional waterpolo player. She, however, felt overshadowed by how successful the rest of her family members were, so she pursued blogging in order to receive recognition and praise. One day her older brother was visiting his old school Yamanami, and out of curiousity she tagged alongside him where she first met the Yamanami Waterpolo Team. The most exciting thing to her was the fact that the waterpolo star, Minato Kiyomizu, was on the team, so she quickly posted rumors about him on her blog a few days after in hopes of getting recognized. This however, was not recieved well by the team and it resulted into even more gossip about him and the team. Realizing the extent of her actions, Ayumi erased the blog post but the damage has already been done. The Yamanami Waterpolo Team became extremely skeptical of her (sans Babayaro and Jojima, who gave her the benefit of the doubt) as a result. Guiltridden, Ayumi tried to appeal to them by willingly helping them with their supplies and managing their practice times. This seemed to ease the team a bit, but they were still cautious.

One day, Ayumi was suddenly approached by a blogger who was interested about the latest gossip she spilled about the Yamanami Waterpolo Team, and proposed the idea of featuring Ayumi's blog, yet the girl was very unsure. When she heard the nasty rumors about Minato and the team from other sites, she was rather disgusted and decided that she was done with gossip. She declined the offer, and proceeded to write an blog post dedicated to her feelings about waterpolo and the team. Touched by what she did, the Waterpolo Team finally gave their full trust, happily welcoming her as their personal manager and close friend. Ayumi, on the other hand, has finally realized that she wants to become a legitimate reporter.


Minato Kiyomizu Friendly Relationship

Ayumi heard of him when she was scrolling through sports blog sites. Initially she was interested in talking to him mainly for the sake of her blog's gossip, but eventually struck a friendship with him in the process. Minato, on the other hand, was put off by her gossipy and eccentric nature initially, but thanks to her continuous support and eagerness to help the team, he saw her as a well-meaning, genuine friend. The two seem to have a fairly decent relationship given how similar their personalities were, though Minato is usually the sane one to her emotionality.

Eitaro Oka Respectful Relationship

Eitaro was remarkably cautious when he first met her, but thankfully gave her his trust when she proved herself to the team. Both of them have a decent, respectful relationship with each other. They usually converse when it comes to waterpolo strategies and managing their training schedules and diets.

Jo Jojima Friendly Relationship

One of the few members she easily gets along with. Jojima, while was cautious given her gossipy personality, willingly gave her the benefit of the doubt. After gaining the team's trust, Jojima became the first to welcome her with open arms. Ayumi and Jojima's shared joyful vibes made them easy to get along with, and as the captain he confides in her managerial skills to help the team.

Shugo Amihama Decent Relationship

Amihama was initially distrustful and neutral about the girl when she went off to a wrong start with the team. He wasn't really keen about her eccentricity and especially gossiping habits, viewing them as insensitive. He was the last to trust her when she proved herself to them. Overall, the two seem to be on mutual terms. He occasionally comments on her over the top reactions and gossip, but nonetheless respects her eagerness and genuine nature.

Takekazu Eijiri Problematic Relationship

Obviously Eijiri was one of the members not on board with her since he found her gossipy nature wrong and annoying. Thankfully he started to treat her more nicely as time went on, but the two are shown to have some hilarious squabbles every now and then. Eijiri calls her "Drama Ayuchi" at times.

Yutaka Babayaro Inomata Friendly Relationship

Yutaka and Ayumi have a fairly, friendly relationship with each other even when his team initially didn't trust her. He, alongside Jojima, showed some kindness and consideration for the girl. He's also one of the members to try and calm her down when she gets a little sentimental.

Yoshiharu Ushimado Friendly Relationship

Ushimado and Ayumi seem to have a decent, friendly relationship. He, like the rest of his team, was skeptical about Ayumi but he saw her genuine qualities and also thought that she was trustworthy as not only their manager but also their friend. Ayumi likes to generate small talk with him to keep him company, to which he appreciates.

Chinu Kawakubo Good friend

Both of them are schoolmates, so the two are shown to be good friends. They frequently talk in between water-polo training, and after school hours. Since Ayumi was Yamanami's Water Polo Club manager,Chinu asks her to keep an eye out on Minato for her, to which Ayumi wholeheartedly agreed to.