
If your noticing the weird art credits with @celestiials art in this gallery; the reason for this is because she doesn't want people to credit his old art under her TH username so I have to credit all of it under his dA one.

Name: Mekani (Meh-kan-ee)

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight Cross that out, she's pansexual.

Gender: Female

Species: Tasmanian devil

Relationship status: Single, she broke up with Stella

Occupation: Mechanic

Personality: Mekani is also a snarker, although she isn't close to Aureleon's level, and she only makes sarcastic comments when she's in a bad mood. She is also fairly energetic and happy, at least most of the time. She is hard-working and loves to work with machines. If you talk to Mekani when she's angry, she'll appear different from her normal self. Too bad the thing that sets her off is... breaking things and loud noises. She is stubborn and overprotective, but kind and loyal.


Mekani was taught to always look on the bright side no matter what, leading to her optimism and happiness. She was also taught to stay loyal to her opinions, which ended up in her being stubborn as heck. When she was 13, she ended up becoming fascinated with machinery. It's unknown at what age she met Stella, but let's just say that they were friends first.


Stella - Stella was Mekani's significant other. They broke up because of the age gap between them. (for context, Stella is like 1000+ years old due to her species)

Aureleon - Aureleon is Mekani's best friend. They both share an interest in machinery.

Powers: She can use magic. (That is actually a standard power in her universe)


-Her name is derived from "mechan," which is a Greek root meaning "mechanical"