
6 years, 10 months ago




Name Utsukushi, Yuki Gender Female
Age 22 Birthday October 12th
Orientation Heterosexual Status Alive
Origin Kanagawa, Japan Current Residence Somewhere in South Korea
Affiliation RFA Occupation Starving Artist & RFA Party Planner
Character Theme It's My War Zenki Theme Better Place



Extroverted ☆ ☆ ★ ★ ★ Introverted
Sensing ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Intuition
Thinking ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Feeling
Judging ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Perceiving

Though she comes from rich beginnings, Yuki does not live with the confidence and materialistic ideals other wealthy individuals tend to have. Rather, Yuki could be classified as the very definition of a nervous wreck. Feeling out of place within crowds and at social events, Yuki’s shyness plagues her with a sense of panic when strangers talk to her, even if it is dealing with work. She barely makes eye contact, especially around unfamiliar men. Her slight stutter gets significantly worse under stressful conditions. Often, she tries to distract whomever she is interacting with from her stutter by talking with her hands. A young woman of a timid nature, she finds herself blushing quite easily when unexpectedly addressed or asked to do an activity she would not normally do. Often, she comes up with any excuse to decline. While she despises conflict, she also hates feeling trapped. When she feels cornered, survival instincts kick in and she will fight her way out of a bad situation.

Though Yuki’s social anxiety can sometimes hinder her ability to form relationships, that does not mean she is completely incapable. She is more comfortable interacting one-on-one. When she finds someone patient enough to work through her timid nature, she shows more of herself to that person. Her companions learn that she is both incredibly supportive and encouraging. She will go out of her way to make those close to her feel as if they can take on the world. She is easily awed and very excitable. She is expressive. One could tell what she’s thinking simply by examining her face.

While she can be a positive reinforcement in someone’s life, she isn’t without her flaws. Far too often, she lies about eating. She knows that those she has formed bonds with will try to help her. Feeling as if she would be a burden to them emotionally and financially, she chooses to deceive for their own benefit. When she has not eaten in a few days, she starts to lose her sensibility and becomes uncaring. To prevent the constant assault of nightmares she suffers from, Yuki makes an effort to get as little sleep as possible. When she has not slept for a few days, she becomes cranky and overly possessive. The mention of family bonds or reconnecting with family members often causes her to either feel uncomfortable or hostile. She avoids confrontation as best she can if the battle is an unnecessary one, often ignoring the problem and angering the other party even more. When it comes to her companions, Yuki aims to make everyone happy, ultimately causing some sort of damage to one of her friends or to herself.

Yuki’s dangerously low self-confidence often causes her to belittle herself to the point that she starts to feel lower than dirt. She doesn’t feel as if she deserves the people in her life. Though she has enough of a clientele to make ends meet and is often approached by gallery owners, she doesn’t feel as if she has talent compared to other artists. Secrets that are both hidden from her and secrets she knows about her past cause her level of nervousness to rise. Rather than talking about it to those she trusts, she makes the choice to suffer in silence, terrified that those close to her will be burdened or harmed. She often refuses to talk about her family or past, usually causing animosity between her and the person asking.


  • Ballet
  • Jogging
  • Hiking small mountains
  • Zen's selfies


  • Cats
  • Being lectured
  • Having her picture taken
  • Her stutter


  • Moves hands a lot when stutter worsens
  • Apologizes way too much
  • Overachiever to the point of exhaustion
  • Annoyingly self-reliant

Physical Features

Height 5'2" Weight 90lbs
Eye Color Cyan Blue Hair Color Black
Hair Length Waist-Length Hair Type Wavy
Demeanor Quiet, Friendly, Hard-working Appeal Beautiful, Artistic,

Because of her poor eating habits and the neglect she shows herself, her beige sweatshirt hides a small slender frame.

She has a jagged scar she received when she was a child. It travels across her neck. She keeps it covered due to feeling embarrassed by it. She has a hard time having it uncovered even in front of Zen.
There is a small black mark on the back of her neck in the shape of a clover. While she has no memory of where it came from, the mark signifies that she is the property of Serizawa Corporation.
She is very rarely seen without her polka dot ribbon headband. It holds sentimental value and is one of her most treasured possessions she's held on to from her past.



Write about their story here. What's their background? What they up to now? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pharetra elit dui, id faucibus erat mattis vel. Proin tincidunt id magna ut egestas. Quisque at sodales eros, non sagittis nibh. Donec semper magna at nisl fringilla, ac aliquam lorem laoreet. Suspendisse a massa tortor. Phasellus maximus nunc vitae pulvinar suscipit. Etiam ullamcorper, risus ac lobortis semper, ante nibh consectetur metus, maximus iaculis sapien elit eu libero. Nulla sit amet justo dui. Maecenas malesuada turpis ac blandit viverra.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam semper ac nulla nec fringilla. Fusce nisl erat, cursus ut sollicitudin vitae, varius a magna. Aliquam et imperdiet arcu. Pellentesque non convallis elit, eget commodo massa. Sed quis nisi magna. Nunc lorem elit, iaculis iaculis tincidunt in, pulvinar et ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Sed suscipit, erat eget mattis elementum, augue arcu interdum urna, sed vehicula libero orci id neque. Nulla eget ipsum et ex pharetra malesuada ac non lorem. Nulla nisi purus, molestie id lorem ut, ultrices dictum orci.

✩ Subheader

Fusce facilisis, lectus et scelerisque pellentesque, nunc augue gravida tortor, nec pretium lacus elit non massa. Proin aliquam elit nec sem tristique, in blandit dui imperdiet. Cras neque felis, semper eu purus eu, imperdiet vulputate mi. Mauris eget mauris sed urna sodales pharetra non nec ex. Sed facilisis, turpis sit amet placerat pretium, tortor lacus lacinia ex, vitae facilisis sapien purus quis neque. Integer eget ligula eu turpis egestas mollis. Sed dignissim, quam ac aliquam gravida, dolor odio pellentesque nisl, quis ullamcorper quam augue vel dui.

Curabitur blandit nibh vitae bibendum dictum. Aenean aliquam odio lorem, vel dapibus nisi egestas non. Sed tellus nulla, cursus at arcu sed, congue scelerisque justo. Nam dui ex, dapibus quis scelerisque sit amet, egestas elementum ipsum. Quisque at massa rhoncus, cursus lorem vel, egestas sem. Nulla nec odio a ex dapibus tempor in non lectus. Etiam lectus eros, fringilla sed dignissim eu, vehicula nec tortor. Suspendisse commodo mi nec eros maximus, quis ultrices massa malesuada. Donec imperdiet congue quam, id accumsan mauris consectetur ut. In maximus dui fringilla, vehicula sem ac, egestas lorem. Etiam dui diam, blandit eu vestibulum vel, placerat id tortor. Donec faucibus, lorem eu lacinia sagittis, velit nunc semper dui, non rutrum ante lacus a orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sed elit ac tellus aliquam sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat.



Zen [ Lover ]

When Yuki first entered the chat room, she had absolutely no interest in Zen. His constant flirting and narcissism was a huge turn-off for her. However, as time passed, she found herself unable to stop thinking about him. Zen became the one man she found herself comfortable enough to talk to and be around. He loves to spoil her and is adamant in showing her how much she's cared for. He's constantly telling her he loves her and how beautiful she is. He loves to tease her about growing more intimate, but understands where the boundary line is. While the two are very supportive and encouraging of each other, fights come about because of Yuki's habit of closing herself up and not sharing aspects of her life. Despite it, they work through it together.

Misaki [ Best Friend ]

Misaki acts as an older sister to Yuki to the point of babying her. She worries about her health and will come up with ways to give Yuki money, fully aware that she will refuse any handout. When it comes to Zen, Misaki often threatens him with her taser if he even thinks about touching Yuki inappropriately. They often talk in Japanese when they don't want anyone to know what they're talking about. Just as best friends and close sisters would they go to each other for advice or to plot pranks. One of Misaki's habits that always makes Yuki laugh is when they are in the same room and Misaki compliments in the chat but add "lol" in Japanese while having a deadpan expression. Because the two were lured to Rika's apartment together and lived there with each other, they share a very close bond. Their bond grows stronger after a common denominator from their past shows up.

Luna★ [ Close Friend ]

While Yuki's bond is not as strong with Luna as it is with Misaki, she still considers Luna a very close and dear friend. The girls first met at a bakery Luna worked at. They hit it off instantly. Yuki enjoys Luna's humor and how easily bothered Jumin gets by her wardrobe. Due to ho much of a sweet tooth she has, Yuki absolutely loves it when Luna bakes. Most of all, Yuki admires how honest and bold Luna can be. Yuki easily supports Luna's aspirations and hobbies, and enjoys watching Luna perform with her dancing and singing. She's often in awe by her. Yuki is well aware that no one's life is perfect and often worries about Luna when it comes to her past coming back to haunt her.



  • Yuki is a music tech nerd. Even though she can't use it, she has an extensive knowledge on instruments and software.
  • She says she’s allergic to cats to hide the embarrassment of being terrified of them.
  • Zen is teaching her how to play the piano.
  • She dances ballet like a pro, usually when no one's around. Zen will quietly watch her or record her on his phone.
  • When Yuki has a hard time sleeping, Zen holds her close and strokes her hair while singing Dream A Little Dream of Me.
  • Zen often tricks her or charms her into taking selfies with him.

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