Max Faregreen



2 years, 11 months ago


LORE: In the normal world, Max is an everyday guy who just goes along with his normal routine yearning for an adventure he knows he will never have because he feels he doesn't have time for any of it. he loves the outdoors and anything that has to do with nature or wildlife. He also enjoys anything that'll bring him out of his normal reality such as video games and theme parks although he can do without all the people there. He prefers animals over humans any day. he finally got his wish one day when he got the game he had been waiting for, for years, Terra Atlas. He got to creating himself as a half elf creature and POOF! he was transported into the world and met his Soul Protector companion. The adventure he yearned for was finally coming to fruition and he has no idea where to start.

ABILITY: he has the ability to control the earth around him and his soul protector transforms into a bow and arrow. 

PERSONALITY: Max is a very calm person but can get riled up if you talk to him about the right things. He is very nature oriented and loves to be outdoors but he is also an introvert so NO PEOPLE!!