Nicole Brewer



3 years, 2 months ago


LORE: Nicole had her normal everyday office job but during her free time she would research spells and incantations because she has a fascination with witchcraft. Ever since childhood, her grandma used to tell her all these stories and fairytales of far off places where witches lived and where there is an abundance of magic and how some witches from that world came to earth. Her Grandmother also told her that one of those witches was a great relative and that strong magic runs in her family. She, to this day, tries to see if anything would happen if she were to reach out for a mug real hard or if she were to stare at something for a long time just to see if it would move. she would also look up "spells" to see if they would work for whatever the spell said it would do. With no luck, she goes to the game store to buy the game she has been waiting to drop and customizes her ideal witchy self not knowing what lies ahead. Now she is in Terra Atlas confused and scared but now equipped with what she's always wanted, MAGIC!!

ABILITY: Nicole can control dark magic which looks like green fire with her little mouse Soul Protector that turns into a wand

PERSONALITY: Nicole is in a constant state of annoyance, she has a fear for butterflies and can only withstand so much noise or stupidity before she either implodes or walks away to cool off. she wins an award for resting bitch face of the year almost every year. She also won't admit it but, she definitely has a thing for Kate even though she proceeds to think she's straight. BI!