


2 years, 9 months ago


Height 6'; 7' with the horns
Race ???
Age ???
Gender transgender man
Pronouns he/him
Orientation gay

Hedonistic and self-indulgent, Chase wouldn't be caught dead doing anything that doesn't suit him--a list of which would be quite long. He's very reluctant to put effort into almost anything, and quick to throw in the towel if the going gets tough. The exception being if it's something personally fun or engaging for him, in which case you'd be very hard pressed to keep him away. His attention span is very much finite, however, and he's just as likely to get bored and distracted as he is to finish something regardless of how fixated he was on it mere moments before. It can often be frustrating to deal with him, as he is far from incapable and simply refuses to put his ability and potential to any real use, often exacerbated by the fact that he has absolutely zero regard or respect for authority.

While he generally doesn't have any real malicious intentions, Chase very often comes off as rude and callous with how blunt and unfiltered he is. Most things seem to be a joke to him, and he tends to fail to see the seriousness in relevant situations, only adding to how much of an ass he can make himself out to be. He has seemingly endless confidence in himself that pretty closely borders on arrogance. People getting angry or upset with him (usually for damn good reason) usually bounces right off his dense skull, as he'll take it as a 'what's their problem' instead of 'what's my problem', never once suspecting his behaviour might be to blame sometimes.


Ihir is a distant, insular world safeguarded and watched over by a pair of gods and their 8 divine children. Rather than ruling over the mortal populations, the divine pantheon lives in harmony with them, considering them as friends and neighbors rather than underlings, devotees or worshippers.

For millennia, Chase lived alongside his parents and siblings as part this very pantheon, serving as a god of the seas and oceans, content with his lot and rarely thinking to question his place on Ihir. As time wore on, however, and he learned more and more about the wider universe outside the only world he'd ever known, things changed. Jealousy towards the mortals who freely came and went from his home turned to an aching pull to see the universe for himself. Where he was once happy to remain, he grew frustrated with what he began to see as a glorified cage, feeling suffocated and restless at being restricted to Ihir. Bringing his discontent up with his family got him nowhere, their reactions ranging from disbelief to confusion and even to anger.

Eventually he reached his breaking point, and without warning or blessings, he turned his back on Ihir. Changing his name, his appearance, and even his gender, he cut himself loose with little more in mind than exploring everything the universe had to offer and having as much fun as possible doing it. Much of living directly among mortals, pretending to more or less be one of them, is completely alien to him and he tends to stick out for more reasons than just his ostentatious looks, but he doesn't regret a minute of it.


  • While Chase's power dimished noticeably after leaving Ihir, he's still very much a divine being. His magical ability is considerable and most practical means of inflicting harm do little or nothing to him. He has no need to maintain his body (eating, sleeping, etc.), immense stamina and endurance, lots of acrobatic ability.
  • Chase could solve most problems he encounters with a snap of his fingers, but more often than not he likes to take a hands-on approach--especially where fighting is concerned. Be it with his fists or with a variety of melee weapons, throwing down is almost always a blast for him.
  • Social cues, expectations, rules, courtesy, customs--most, if not all, of it is incomprehensible to Chase and he very often comes across as either stupid or deliberately hostile with how he near-constantly messes up and trips over...well, everything. Combined with his aforementioned disregard for authority and generally non-serious attitude, he's rarely not getting into some kind of trouble.
  • Chase likes to drive vehicles. Also important: Chase should never be allowed to drive vehicles.
  • Credit where it's due: the majority of Chase's design was inspired by cosmetics available in Sunset Overdrive, though I figure it's obvious he's not intended as a fan character by any metric. I just couldn't let such a bangin design go to waste :(