


6 years, 10 months ago



Closed Species by: Chlomakiii
Owned by: Yokonaut



  • Name: Acari Chia
  • Nicknames: Acari, Chia
  • Sex: Female
  • Species: Frappe Fox (CS)
  • Birthday: June 8th
  • Orientation: Pansexual, prefers girls
  • Location: TBD


  • Hair Color: Pastel Pink
  • Hair Style: Fluffy short spikes
  • Eye Color: N/A
  • Skin Color: Passionfruit pink
  • Build: Medium sized, athletic
  • Fashion Style: Fruity, psychadelic 80s fashion
  • Physical Conditions: N/A
  • Other Info: Based off a dragonfruit frappe


  • MBTI Type: N/A
  • Political Alignment: N/A
  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic good
  • Mental Illnesses: N/A

Likes: roller coasters, sky diving, summer days, swimming, exercising, loud music, theme parks, caves, the great outdoors, sports, rain, waking up early, traveling, science experiments, outer space, ice cold drinks, caffeine, being the center of attention, nostalgic childish things like setting up lemonade stands on a hot summer day, having deep existential debates, science, chemistry, math
Dislikes: sitting still, sleep, writing, not being the center of attention, failing tests, not being "perfect", people who don't want to take risks, people who are very lawful and "no fun", warning labels, being told she can't do something
Qualities: very bright, tomboyish, energetic, hyper, good at math and science, innovative, thrill seeker, risk taker, very focused on her goals, perfectionist*, sees the big picture, leader, takes command of a situation, persuasive, always interesting to talk to, good secret keeper, loyal
Flaws: ignores danger, takes things too far, her mind is filled with extraordinary thoughts but she can't put them into words, has a stutter if she gets over excited that she has worked very hard to correct, bad communicator, very impatient, caffeine addict, snappish, wants to be in charge and have her way all the time, stubborn, inflexible, comes up with unrealistic goals, perfectionist*, a bit arrogant, downplays others' talents out of jealousy
Goals: ride the most dangerous roller coasters in the world, become a great chemist or mathematician, go to outer space, become world renown, have her research published in a big science journal
Fears: that people will find her boring and not worth being around
Habits: drinking large amounts of coffee, waking up early and being tired out by the end of the day
Talents: chemistry, science in general, math and logic, making delicious smoothies, cooking, general athleticism
Languages: English, Dog, some Latin (for science terminology)
Other: N/A


  • Color: __
  • Food: Corn Dogs
  • Drink: Coffee (she refuses to drink dragonfruit frappes, I wonder why haha)
  • Place: The Amusement Park
  • Flower: Orchid
  • Animal: Fox
  • Subject: Chemistry
  • Book Genre: Science Fiction
  • Music Genre: Techno


  • Mother: N/A
  • Father: N/A
  • Sibling(s): N/A
  • Love Interest: N/A (Available!!!)
  • Best Friend: N/A
  • Friend(s): N/A
  • Enemy(s): N/A