[ IR ] Charlotte Corazón



3 years, 2 months ago


Charlotte Corazón
16 - 17
March 30


Charlotte is a shrewd and manipulative girl, not sparing much consideration for the feelings of others. She believes that people, including herself, are meant to be used by others, but if you’re aware that you’re being used, you can manipulate the situation to your own benefit. This belief shows through in Charlotte’s willingness to do whatever she needs to in order to gets the things she wants, not worrying about who she hurts or what bridges she burns in the process. Because of this, she’s become very good at pretending to be a “nice” girl, and can generally trick people into believing her intentions are good. Charlotte is smart, both intellectually and street-wise, and she uses this often to her advantage. However, she prefers to let others think she's stupid or naive, as she finds it easier to manipulate people when they underestimate her.

Due to her sheltered and emotionally abusive upbringing, Charlotte has trouble forming meaningful relationships, and actually goes out of her way not to do so, as she assumes they won’t amount to anything anyway. She has a very cynical view of others, being of the opinion that other people just want to use her the way she uses them. While she says this makes her a stronger person, she does feel lonely and vulnerable at times. This behaviour can be traced back to her parents abusing and ultimately disowning her, leaving her in a vulnerable position, emotionally and physically.

It’s difficult to tell if there is a kinder side to Charlotte, as no one has managed to get close enough to her to find out. There are no people in her life she actually considers her friends, and she feels no need to open up to anyone about her feelings. In truth, Charlotte is afraid that if she allows anyone close to her, she will lose the tight control she now has over her life. To avoid this, she puts up as many walls as possible and keeps people at arm’s length to ensure her own emotional safety. Charlotte also has a softer, artistic side, but this is something she refuses to let anyone know about.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Playing Piano

Charlotte was forced to learn piano from a young age as a talent her parents could show off. Although it used to have negative connotations because of this, it's become a medium for Charlotte to express herself, which she's generally unable to do through words.


Charlotte enjoys wearing expensive and flashy jewelry to show off her wealth and status.

Greasy Food

Charlotte loves greasy fast food as it's comforting to her. It's the opposite of the "fancy" food she grew up eating.


Charlotte enjoys "retail therapy" as it provides an easy alternative to actually working to fill her emotional shortcomings.



Charlotte has disliked thunderstorms since she was a child due to the loud noise. Her parents never cared to comfort her about these kinds of fears, so they've kind of compounded as she got olders.

Romantic Comedies

Charlotte hates rom-coms as she finds the superficial way they portray romance to be disingenuous and obnoxious.


Charlotte dislikes alcohol as it dulls her wits and makes her too talkative. She also says that it makes people act like idiots.


Charlotte dislikes cemeteries as she's actually afraid of both death and ghosts, both of which she feels cemeteries represent.



Charlotte was born into a very well-to-do family in Raimei. She was often ignored by her parents, only occasionally being paraded around like some kind of trophy. Instead, Charlotte was raised mostly by the household staff, with one maid in particular becoming like a mother to her. This maid was kind to Charlotte, teaching her about the city as Charlotte wasn’t often allowed to go out. Unfortunately, this maid was fired for stealing from the family when Charlotte was a young teen, removing her main support structure in the house.

Even as a child, Charlotte kept a close eye on her parents and saw how they treated not only her, but their staff and others in their lives. Both her parents were shrewd and willing to scheme and con others to their own benefit. Charlotte’s father in particular made a point of telling Charlotte that she was useless if she wasn’t of value to their family. Seeing all this, and culminating in the firing of the only person in the house who seemed to care about her, Charlotte came to the conclusion that her parents were right – people are just commodities who can be used and replaced, even if they have good intentions. This would be what molded her personality going forward.

When she was younger, Charlotte made an effort to be kind, despite not receiving any emotional support from her parents. However, this tipping point was the end of that effort. Charlotte became cold and calculating, but her years of playing the “good girl” also made her very good at keeping up a sweet façade. She began sneaking out of the house, and stealing money and other valuables from her parents. She spent a lot of time on the streets of Raimei where she learned street smarts from watching others. Eventually she was caught stealing by her parents, who kicked her out immediately, stating they always knew she was worthless.

Charlotte lived on the streets for a while, and quickly learned that people are willing to pay money for almost anything. She used her intellect and ability to manipulate people to make money to support the lavish lifestyle that she still enjoyed. During this time she perfected her “nice girl” act, and was difficult to catch in it. Although she found the constant hustle exhausting at times, she was unwilling to give up the lifestyle she was used to, and constantly looked for new ways to make more.

One day she came across a job posting for a caretaker, posted by Sharem, the vice president of Calvaria. While Charlotte had little experience with children, she figured this was a great opportunity to work less and get more. She replied to the posting and managed to get the job, landing her as caretaker for Sharem’s young son, Ys.


Height 5' 1" / 155 cm

Weight 105 lbs / 47.5 kg

Build banana-shaped


Eyes #0B3DD0

Hair #2B2B2B

Identifying Marks none


  • always wears some kind of heart-shaped jewelry
  • wears boots most of the time, even when it's hot out
  • distance vision isn't very good and normally wears contact lenses, but does have glasses as well






Sharem Cordelan

[ employer ]

Charlotte comes into contact with Sharem when she answers a job listing and takes on the job of Ys's caretaker. Charlotte has a lot of respect for Sharem, as she considers Sharem everything that she aspires to be -- clever, successful, and ruthless. While the two don't interact often, Sharem is kind to Charlotte, treating her like a daughter.


Eury Evans

[ acquaintance ]

Charlotte comes into contact with Eury occasionally in Calvaria, and frankly finds him annoying. Eury isn't too fond of Charlotte either, as she quietly threatened him the first and only time he tried to sweet-talk her, but they do play nice in public.


Machika Balfaltin

[ acquaintance ]

Charlotte finds Machika's optimism and crybaby nature both baffling and infuriating, possibly because it reminds her of a younger version of herself. In fact, Machika is one of the few people that Charlotte doesn't bother using a personable facade around, preferring to make her opinion of the girl transparent.


Rain Jewlitt

[ acquaintance ]

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