#4506 Effulgere



2 years, 11 months ago



chibi by gardensprouts . painting by x
#4506 effulgēre

masterlist . gp tracker . aesthetic

a piece of artwork, unprotected, carelessly and callously dropped, smashed across the paving stones, crunched under boots.

she isn't quite whole, and it's not just a leg she's missing. It's a horrid, all-consuming feeling she'd wish on (almost) nobody. her enchantment will help where it can, but not all wounds can be fixed with magic...

but she can surely distract herself with it. isn't she pretty? you can admire her for as long as you like. it's what she was made for.

limited availability as a creator
can be depicted in artwork, writing, and interactions

Species esk
origin abnormal
nature wanting
boundary courtyard
size fragile

  • pony sized and delicately built, with significant spiral horns
  • her paint splash white markings shift around but usually leave her face and dock pink, and her eyes are always white
  • though her bronze oddity can encase her entire body, turning her and her nature features into a bronze statue
  • her lily smells sweet with its healing enchantment; charcoal hangs from her tail
  • she moves slowly and speaks through telepathic imagery



quiet courtyard

down an overgrown alleyway on the bad side of town is a small courtyard, peaceful despite its location, pretty despite its abandoned, rough edges. the walls and cobblestones are gradually being covered by hardy weeds, and a few remnants of human residents remain in the potted flowers beside the benches. in the centre of it all is the base of a water fountain, unfinished, with an empty pedestal awaiting a statue.


shattered statuette

she didn't have awareness as a statuette and isn't privy to the exact events that brought her end and beginning - Fay doesn't like talking about it, and it doesn't truly matter. she was created with tools and soft hands and clay, cast in bronze. she was a scaled down model, a study of fantastical anatomy and flowers and magic, brought to life from charcoal sketches. she was to stand on a grand water fountain to be admired for centuries.

and then someone let her form shatter on the courtyard cobblestones. her creator, who slaved over her clay and bronze form, collected her broken shards and created her once more in flesh and fur and petals. she named her Effulgēre for the way her bronze pieces shine beneath sunlight, and called her Effie with an affectionate voice.


searching, gentle

due to the nature of how she became broken and lost, Effulgēre is stuck in a cycle of searching and yearning for completeness and a purpose which is forever lost to her. she wanders every so often, taking long sabbaticals across the earth and conservatory, but in the end always returns to Fay - her creator in both lives, and her closest friend. her only consistent habit is her propensity to stand or lounge on the fountain base, perfectly still, letting the sunlight and glow of her aura bounce beautifully off her bronze facets.

above all else, she is kind and giving. not only with her enchantment and transformations, but through gentleness toward other esk - she’ll sit and listen for hours, help with their problems if possible, and not intrude on another’s boundary if her presence isn’t welcome. nearly completely silent (only having spoken to Fayetta), she communicates with other esk through telepathic images usually of pretty sights and happy memories.

Effie uses her healing enchantment to help any human or animal she comes across, wounded or broken, but it doesn’t work on objects. thus, all of the esk she creates are from inanimate objects, as that’s the only way she can help them.

her crystals from her transformations are her pride and joy, and grow beautifully, extravagantly, from her body, as if to fill in her fragmentation.

she’s vain but not arrogant - she was made to stand centre stage, to be beautiful and admired, so of course her bright colouration and striking lily cultivar are points of pride. her charcoal, though, is purely sentimental.


a respected friend for longer than Effie has been alive, Fay is the one constant in this strange life. not many understand Effulgēre as Fayetta does.


her first transformation, done half accidentally with no idea of what was to come, is an unusual being very different to Effie in looks and personality and manner. he speaks nonsense and is perhaps as broken as she is (if in different ways), but the crystal she grew from him is her most cherished.