


2 years, 10 months ago


Bluebelle 'Lucidian Sattari'

He/Him Cis Male

January 6th




Goat Beastial (Charm Magic)

Sex Wroker


The Greymist Isles/Qrone/The Satin Pearl



Bluebelle is a sex worker who originated from the coasts of Qrone before being left in the city where he grew up in a brothel. Away from the sex work, Blue was expected to earn his keep and care for the younger tigress, Arlie, who became his adopted sister and was under the care of the owners daughter, Niva, who was his age. The three were a makeshift family before splitting ways and Blue officially joining the whore life officially when he was of age, albiet reluctantly. The satyr is known for his flamboyant personality and his charm, hardly seen without a devilish look and seeminly not bothered by who he insults with his quick wit and shameless taunts. He is a bright, loudmouthed and too nosy for his own good, though he is not without his soft side and has shown to be a tender friend to those he holds close as well as a nuturing soul to those who needs guidance. He is especially kind to children and shows them special care.

He presents himself to be confident and flawless and doesn't let slip his insecurities about being unwanted and unloved, only showing himself as a lovable gremlin who is unbothered by life. He caters to a niche demographic of rich folk who don't mind laying with the same sex, Blue keeps his clientel with his charm and ability to feign personal interest in his self absorbed clients. He is attentative and makes for fun company, some may call him sweet and certainly a prized gem to have on your arm. Blue is resigned to his life of whoring but longs for more, harbouring exceptional talent in singing and dancing, oten wandering if he could have been a performer somewhere in the world.

Bluebelle is a social creature and thrives on his connections and bonds with others, notably knowing everyone on at least a passing glance and making himself known. Though this is at odds with his deep trust issues and inability to believe that others could genuinly care for him. He spends many a days at the bottom of a bottle or on a highbelieving himself to be alone despite how 'happy' he potrays himself to me and how many bonds he makes. Blue knows his way around the slums of Qrone having grown up there and made easier pathways for himself through the roof tops of the city of sin, having needed many speedy disapearances and a safer way to get about the city without being captured. However now Blue enjoys the semi luxury of the higher levels of Qrone. Within the Satin he makes himself the star of the show, eager to announce himself as the "Pearl's pearl', desperate to stay valuable and enjoy safety and luxury after years of struggle and abuse, though at the price of his beastial dignity and furthering his substance abuse.


Strength 0

Inteligence 1

Dexterity 2

Wisdom 4

Constitution 0

Charisma 4


  • Glam/make up/fashion/accessories
  • Physical Affection/quality time
  • Performing
  • The Ocean
  • Birds
  • Partying
  • Fine foood
  • Drag Kinging


  • Snobs/Prudes and any kind of bigot really
  • Cruel treatment to his co-workers
  • Abdanoment
  • Being ignored
  • His stuff being fucked with
  • Harrassment at work (either clients or co-workers)
  • Tony




- Wip


Childhood 0-10

CW: Story depcits childhood trauma, abandoment of a child, child slavery, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, emotional conflict

-Grew up on the coasts of the Greymist Isles near Qrone as a young boy named Lucas with his mother who feared humans and resented her beastial nature. To cope she had both Lucas and herself disguise themselves as humans wearing skirts and scarves and presenting Lucas as her daughter, Lucy

-Her parenting questionable as she struggles with her feelings of motherhood and beastialhood. She keeps Lucas locked up for a while until she can trust him. At times she is emotionally distant to Lucas which effects him deeply. The two bond over small things like the stars, weaving and a shared tatse of fashion and singing

-When he is 10 he has an incident of almost revealing his beastialhood and the two barely escape being apprehended, however his mother takes this as a sign that he is not good for her own survival and her resentment comes to a boil. After giving him the silent treatment she offers a smile and takes him on a 'family trip' to Qrone where they have a fun day together, ending the evening by leaving him at a fountain and telling him she'll come back soon, she hands him a poastry and disapears into the crowd.

-Lucas is distressed when he realises she isn't coming back and searches in a loud panic. He catches the attention of city guards who tried to chase him down, but a human woman, Nyra, intercepted and lies about her owning him. She seems to have ulterior motives but agrees to help him the next day, though when they do not find his mother she tries to convince him to come with her and after fighting and facing his abandonment he goes back to her

-Surprise! Nyra owns a brothel, with a side hustle of forging fake papers, and she brings Lucas in to care for the beastial child that shes keeping for some reason, a tiger girl whose mother had abandoned her. Nyra's daughter, Niva, was unable to keep Arli behaved so Nyra hoped another beast could and figured Niva would like the 'play things'. She leaves her daughter as their 'caretaker' and expectes them all to work to earn their keep. He and Niva are fiesty and do not get along at first but slowly over time they get used to each other and form a surprsing friendship. Lucas instantly bonds with Arli who he takes on as a sister

Adolescence 10-18

-The trio grow up as family, living in the anttic and enjoying life as best as they can,Lucas teaching the girls how to read and learning how to traverse the city through rooftops. Lucas accepts his new family he and Niva begin to grow feelings for each other but do not act. Niva keeps her jealousy over how close Lucas with Arli a secret

-Lucas finds out that Nyra had plans for Lucas and Arli to learn skills so they could be sold at higher value and he rushes to hide them away, when the coast is clear he leaves Niva to watch Arli as he finds a way for them all to escape, but when he comes back they're Arli is being locked ina cage. Lucas tries to fight the slavers and Nyra and free his sister, but both are beaten and Lucas watches as Arli is ripped from his arms and taken away to the slave auction. Subdued and bruised, Lucas is brought back inside as 'Niva's Pet'

-Grieving and angry Lucas tries to blame Niva is convicned by her that she had tried her best to keep them safe and in his need for comfort he forgives her and the pair run away to find Arli. They take Lucas's papers and Niva explains her name is on them already because her mother had planned to gift him to her since she was so atattched to her 'pet'. Lucas fought hard to find his sister,but when he finally reached the end of her trail, she had already been sold.

-Defeated and broken Lucas wants to give up and mourns for his lost family, which upsets Niva and lashes out at him for ignoring HER who had been by his side the whole time. Feeling guilty he apolagises and accepts that he has to move on and takes Nivas hand as they make a new life in the streets of Qrone.

Early Adulthood 18-23

-They make a living taking odd jobs wherever they can, often Niva would pose as his owner and 'rent' him out to jobs. If they could swing it Lucas would make small weavings for them to wear or sell. On better days Lucas would perform on the streets of Qrone whilehe watchful owener supervised. To avoid trouble they'd go jumping walls and crossing rooftops, life wasn't perfect but for Lucas he was content

-As adults they're feelings for each other bloomed after years of surviving together, dancing on rooftops and sharing each others playful banter. One passionate night Lucas takes her on a date, dancing and singing only for her on the roofs of Qrone under a starlit sky where they confess and share a first ksis

-Life changes for the worse when Niva convinces them to join a brothel owned by a smaller lord of Qrone, a shady buisness of selling goods uptop and pushing drugs to the streets. Lucas was apprehensive over how anti beastial they were but trusted Niva and joined despite the poor treatment he recieved. It was only worsened by Nivas change in attitude as she spent less time with him and became snappier and more aggressive then usual,turning to verbally and emotionally berating him when he voiced his concerns or snapped back at her. Lucas became frightened when Niva turned physical and felt trapped in this aweful new life, the final straw was when Niva dumped him, revealing she'd been courting the lord the whole time.

-With no where to go and trapped by Niva's mental abuse and assurtions that she is the only one who cares for him, he stays. Despite dumping him Niva still takes advnatage of his feelings and spends time with Lucas when she needs comfort or someone to bitch at, in those moments she's almost like her old self and he becomes attatched. Any time he makes a strong assertion to leave Niva guilts him with tears and a break down explaining how shes sorry and she needs his help and forcing him to stay, only for her to go back to her old ways

-Lucas's mental state deteriates becoming depressed and angry, turning to drugs and alchaolism to cope with his pain and eventually allowing Niva to use his body for her own needs in an failed attempt to make her love him again. Lucas stays in a spiral of self loathing until he breaksdown during an argument where Niva threw something at his head cutting him. Niva is shaken and quickly tries to make amends, noticibly becoming gentler with him afterwards

-It does not last long as again they go back to their old ways and finally Lucas calls it off and affirms that he is LEAVING. At this something in Niva snaps and she lunges at his throat almost suffocating him before pulling herself off in horror and leaving. Shaking and sobbing on the floor Lucas pulls up the pieces of himself, rips up his papers, and disapears into the streets of Qrone. Alone.

Adulthood 24-29

-Aimless, depressed and traumatised, he bums the streets of Qrone at his most rock bottom, struggling with withdrawls and not knowing where to go. Lucas changes his name to Bluebelle in the hopes to distance himself from his past self and stay out of Nivas radars, afraid of the woman and his life. He ventures farhter then his usual streets in his attempts to not get recaptured and stumbles into the higher levels of Qrone. Paranoid that he'll be taken again into a worser fate he goes to The Satin Pearl for saftey and stability as well as to regain some semblance of his old life, not knowing how else to live but at the servitude of someone else

-Bluebelle gives little information about his past, he starts a fresh slate and attempts to be his old 'untainted' self of a care free flamboyant socialite and makes himself a star attraction of the Pearl. Despite being populour with both clients and workers he finds it difficult to trust and is much harsher then his old self was, but and is surprised to eventually find close friendships in his fellow worker, Jasper and even his new owner Charles. Lawrence is there but Blue keeps the man at an arm distance, weary of nobility like him

-Blue shared a personal friendship with Jasper who he grew quickly attatched to and so when Lavender the new worker entered their friend circle Blues insecurities of being replaced and abandonded flared. He feinged freindship with Lavender and hid his jealousy of her until one day she offered him a gift, a bird, something he'd always loved and was touched that Lavender cared enough to know. Blue considered changing his attitude towrds her until his pet was confiscated. Enraged, Blue in his paranoid withdrawel state believes Lavender set him up and planned to have her outed from the Pearl by planting stolen items on her.To his horror Lavender is beaten by Lecresse guards and despite is efforts is helpless to save her. In the aftermath she rejects his help but leaves to find someone anyways, only to come back finding Lavender gone. Bluebelle breaks down sickened and horrofied of what he's done.

-Disgusted with himself he vows to clean up his act enough to start treating the workers of the Pealr differently, becoming more inviting and kinder to make up for the guilt of doing Lavender wrong, but its not enough to make his self loathing go away. He attempts to go on with his life and guiltily goes back to Jaspers friendship, though his mental state breaks and he confesses ot the beastial, trusting them with pain and sharing a small glimpse of his past, feeling he could trust the cat beastial who accepted him. Not long after he is told that Jasper had 'run away' without a word. The news shatters him feeling rejected and abandoned again,beleieing he truly is scum and in his vulnerable state he takes comfort in Lawrence and lets the lord 'take care of him'

-After some time he 'moves on' and enjoys the attention of Lawrence De Lecresse, reveling in the gifts and affection and insisting to himself its all harmless fun to fill an emptiness inside and heal the deep balck hole in his chest. Surprsingly Blue finds himself forming a sudo friendship with Lawrence that they keep hidden from the public, sharing a close intimacy and emotional connection that Blue kinds himself unable to turn away from.Despite the signs, Lawrence makes him feel good after years of hating hismelf and Blue is desperate to find ANY reatreat from his pain. He grows close to Charles as he reminds Blue of his lost sister and has a deep affection for the young troubled lord. Blue maintains his persona in the Pearl and has no plans for himself. His temptations with substance abuse are not helped living in an opium house, though Blue now does it for recreational benifits....sometimes...well, at least he's not doing the hard stuff anymore

-Blue lives in regret of the people he has lost and the wrong choices he has made but feels trapped in their consequences. He is trying to just be happy now and ignores attemps of unpacking his trauma to better himself, believeing he does not deserve the peace and lives in denial and substance abuse

Current time 29/30 - onwards *wip*

At his request Bluebelle was able to join the Lecresse as they journyed to the Capital for the winter ball, we're for the first time he got to experience life outside of Qrone and experience a new world. At first it had been fun and harmless, enjoying nights talking and drinking with Ambrose, teasing Charles but chatting away happily, the only grief he had was the wall Lawrence put between them to keep up appearances, didn't want anyone knowing his relations to the goat. After months being denied affection Blue was beginning to feel both needy and frustarted with the lord and proceeded to show him attitude as a cry for attention.

Shit hit the fan after the ball happened, when Charles was outed kissing another man and his house under fire for conspiracy of murder. Ontop of that the mass slaughter of beastials who were left unatteneded at the hands of the Church, the same Church that now had Charles locked away. Blue is trying to keep a cool head and is surprised when he stumbles across and bleeding and bruised Ambrose, his attacker? Lawrence. Blue had gone to confront the man but fell prey to his mind games, trusting Lawrence to keep to his word and not harm his friend again, he allowed himself to give into the mans affections after being starved for so long. At the cost of the friendship he had come to defend.

With no one but Lawrence as company Blue spent more time with the heir and found hiself growing closer to the lord despite the news of his engagment shattering him, he held onto the man and found him at his most vulnerable and helped sooth his troubles. On the other he managed to meet his future wife, Celeste Hawthorne, who he finds himself charmed by despite the affair he's having with her fiance. At last the beastial ban is lifted and on his first day of freedom Bluebelle indulged in old habits and came home drunk and high off his hooves, only to be met by a furious Lawrence worried for his saftey and berating him for his carelessness. The experience was too familiar for him and Blue found himself triggered into a bad trip that Lawrence helped him through. His feelings are a mess like him and he finds some small comfort in caring for an injurd bird that came upon the estate. He awaits the return of Charles and worries for the status of his friendship with Ambrose as well as his future with Lawrence and Celeste



  • Star gazing and walking along the ocean shore were his favourite things to do with his mother, despite the painful memories he still finds comfort in doing both activities and uses them as coping mechanisms.
  • Blue has a scar hidden under his hair on the back of his scalp from an incident with Niva
  • Blue really wants to have his own family but is afraid of having his child taken from him
  • One of Blues few boundaries is breath play, he does not let anyone touch his neck with any sort of pressure and experiences severe anxiety when touched unwantingly.
  • Has a beautiful singing voice and is a talented dancer, he styles in something similar to belly dances and other forms as well as the good old club dance.If it existed he would be a proficient pole dancer.
  • Blue and Niva did genuinly love each other. At least not in the end.
  • Voice claim Rami Malik's role as Freddie Mercury, Singing voice is Freddie Mercury/Damiano David
  • -

RP Tracker

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.
  • Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.
  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
  • In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo.
  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Lawrence Alastair de Lecresse [ Sugar Daddy/???? ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Jasper [ Best friend (past) ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Ambrose [ Ex-Friend?? ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Celeste Hawthorne [ Lawrence's Fiance/Potential friend? ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Reagan [ Whore best friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Artemy Koenig [ Best friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Aathell [ Sus motherfucker ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Niva Lavorre [ Ex-Lover ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.