Colleen McKenna



6 years, 10 months ago





  • comes from a large irish family known for hunting the supernatural. she is the fourth of nine total siblings, and the third of five that are still alive today. 
    • da was an abusive asshole that was keen on shaping his kids into the "perfect hunters". ma was the sad, beaten woman who let it happen. 
  • colleen has been hunting since she was nine; had her first kill at twelve, and went with her father on what would be her first church-issued hunt at fourteen. 
    • her youngest sister, elly, accompanies them on said hunt. blah blah shit happens and the monster they were hunting ultimately kills their father. to said monster's surprise, however, neither of the little hunters are distraught by this development. the beast flees, and the girls return home to relay the news of their late father. 
    • colleen implores her younger sister not to breathe a word of the details of their father's death; content to keep the identity of the creature that killed him a secret out of courtesy for the favor it unknowing did for the McKenna kids. the pair would eventually be questioned by the catholic church, and elly broke under the pressure. colleen tried to convince the church her sister was incorrect about information relayed- but the basic description is enough for the church. 
  • elly is apologetic, but ultimately unaffected by the church's promise to hunt the monster that killed the McKenna's head of house. the majority of the family is happy simply knowing their terrorizer is dead. colleen, however, feels indebted. 
  • she becomes a church licensed hunter at twenty, claiming the act is to honored her late father. in truth, she longs to hunt down the creature that- she wholeheartedly believes- saved her life.

  • colleen is a foul mouthed, aggressive shit with a penchant for violence and a "act now, think later" logic. 
    • HATES the catholic church and high key wishes she never joined but she's sort of stuck in it now -shrug emoji- 
    • shits on un-licensed hunters constantly; refers to them as shitty bounty hunters. 
    • legitimately enjoys fighting. she has about twenty years of pent up rage, my dudes, and swinging fists is the most therapeutic method of release she's found yet. 
    • smokes like a stack, drinks more than she should. does pot, but she swears its medicinal. 
    • can get real creative when dishing out insults
    • loves her motorcycle like it was her soulmate. calls it 'Jim'. 
    • tends to like monsters more than people. has a habit of befriending the dysfunctional creatures she's supposed to hunt. 


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