


2 years, 10 months ago


Race(s): Kirin

Zodiac Sign: Void: The Key: The Conductor

Academy House or University: Community College

Gender: Female

Starting Stage: Junior

Brief Description of Appearance OR Customs Form: Coralynne is a Kirin. She has a butter cream skin tone with two small light pink colored stars on her checks and different size stars in berry and light pink on her legs with some berry dots in different sizes as well. She has a light aqua green colored hair and tail. Her hair is short and only reaches to the nape of her neck (which is not normal for her race) having a little bit of a curl at the ends but it mostly straight.Her overs and ear hairs match the aqua of her tail and hair. Her eyes are two shades of aqua green the center pupil being a little darker then the iris. Coralynne's Horn is a twist of aqua and butter cream.

Coralynne is wearing a baggy sweater that fades from pale pink almost white to a solid pink at the bottom. The collar and cuffs of the sweater are the same aqua as her hair. Coralynne is also wearing a school girl pleaded skirt that is the same as all the aqua green used for her so far.