Jiang [秋江]



2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Jiang Qiu (qiu jiang)



(dumping backstory here so I can find it easy later)

Born in a semi-upper class family, Jiang was sharp and quick witted even as a child. Even from an early age, she had an intense adoration for money. There wasn't anything special about it to her-- she just loved the thought of sitting upon a pile of wealth. While inquiring her parents about a quick, efficient way to earn money, her parents disregarded the seriousness of the child's question, and haphazardly mentioned how becoming a surgeon would grant a high salary.

Thus, during her free time, she would scour for medical documents. Luckily or unluckily, she found said documents to be quite intriguing. From textbooks to anatomical diagrams, anything that peaked her interest would be thoroughly examined. This included an unfortunate lizard that became her experiment in middle school. While her parents were originally extremely supportive of her educational pursuit, their reaction upon seeing their daughter crouched over linearly placed lizard innards on the garage floor was 'horrified' to say the least. She was promptly sat down and forbidden from any further 'research'.

Despite this minor setback, Jiang still weaseled her way into med school, determined to pursue education that would grant her a high paying work position. After graduating early with a doctor's degree, she was scouted into a government organized hospital. Although the salary was high and workload manageable, she would constantly give in to greed and tack on random... "bonus fees" on patient bills. While she never got caught, it soon seemed more desirable to start her own private clinic rather than to keep making risky money. 

After all, she could decide her own salary once she was her own boss. :-9