🌙 Luna Moon 🌙



2 years, 10 months ago


The Crescent Goddess
XXII - The Fool
Fave Hobby
Watching over the world
Fave Colour
Lunaverse Guardian
Fave Food
Chicken Nuggets
  • Often has a "Luna moment" where she'll totally space out mid-thought.
  • Yaps a little too much for her own good, causing the sisters to argue...
  • Luna looks up to the sisters and wants them to be proud of her!
  • Despite this, she does enjoy to wind them up from time to time for fun.

Luna Moon is the newest subordinate of Regina! She's a total ditz... a ditz that somehow got an entire dimension to look after. Which is no easy feat for a total rookie Goddess... Thankfully, Regina has placed her in the care of Solis Sun and Stella Star! They're much more experienced than she is, so maybe it'll be a piece of cake! The sisters provide a lot of advice for Luna, she thought this job would be easy but the information given to her by the sisters is always conflicting which results in a lot of moral dilemmas for Luna to have to sort out.

Even though the sisters contradict each other and argue all the time she is confident in the abilities of her superiors, Luna basically just sits back and asks Solis & Stella what to do. She's pretty lazy all things considered but eventually Luna learns her lesson and takes more initiative in her job as The Guardian of The Lunaverse. Even though she sometimes winds them up for fun, she loves Solis and Stella. Luna always makes sure to break up fights between the sisters when things get a bit too heated. As time passes with the three Subordiante Goddesses working as a team, Luna slowly gets Solis and Stella to see the errors of their ways. She teaches the sisters compassion and how to get along with each other despite their differences, allowing them to combine their strengths to cover for each other's weaknesses and allowing The Lunaverse to truly thrive.

Regina Superior Goddess

"This is my boss Regina! She's awesome but between you and me I think she's even more lazy than I am! I mean all she does is sit around all day whilst us three are totally working our butts off! She's a fun boss though, so I suppose I don't mind!"

Stella Star Friend, Fellow Subordinate Goddess

"Stella is the more responsible one of the two sisters! She always gives the best advice but it isn't always the most fun advice... so sometimes I like to lean into her sister's more chaotic side. Stella is sweet but she can be kinda overprotective of me."

Solis Sun Friend, Fellow Subordinate Goddess

"Solis is the embodiment of chaos, she's kinda scary but she's fun too (sometimes)! They often bully me over... well, anything they want really! It is kinda mean, but luckily her sister Stella has my back! So it is always a 2v1 when Solis starts to get mean."

The Jade Rabbit Aspect of The Lunaverse

"Jade is a being of our own design! She's really fast and was made to scout out Nekitopia for us! I've read through her journal and she seems to be getting a little distracted from her primary task but I don't mind I don't wanna be a strict Goddess!"

LUN4-B0T Aspect of The Lunaverse

"I made this one, looks just like me right? Stella helped with all the technical stuff but I thought making a robot would be awesome! Just cause we can make stuff doesn't mean it all has to be organic lifeforms right? LUN4-B0T is soooo cute!"