Benji Howell



6 years, 10 months ago





  • good boy, soft boy, trying his best not to eat people boy. moved to the states with his family from fukuoka, japan when he was only four-- he has an older sister, and is really close to his parents. dad is a retired history teacher and mom sells handmade jewelry on etsy. his sister, ironically, is a hunter.
  • he went on a trip out of the country a few months ago. something something, he was tricked by a local to try some weird lookin' food. oops, the local was possessed by a wendigo/cannibalistic spirit and just wanted the damn curse lifted. so they shoehorned it onto benji instead, feeding him bits and pieces of human meat-- sorry my dude
  • has only been a wendigo for like, maybe half a year. is constantly stressed and always hungry. always
  • works as a nurse for a local hospital. he used to love his job-- now he lowkey loathes it. being around people for any prolonged amount of time makes him antsy as hell; he doesn't trust himself not to do something impulsive. 
  • formerly friendly and outgoing, now benji is exhausted and teetered on mania and emotional breakdowns on the daily. he's struggling to to keep any semi-balance of normality; lies about he's doing every time someone asks him. vents about his situation via talking to himself and no longer cares if it makes him look absolutely insane (because, haha, maybe he is????)
    • when he first got home and stated craving human flesh, benji thought he was loosing it. 
    • did the one thing you are never supposed to do; he WebMD'ed it. 
      • spent two and a half months under the assumption he had wendigo psychosis
  • he still honestly doesn't really know what he is, he just knows he's not okay. he's considered telling his sister about what's been happening with him, but chickens out every time he comes close to letting it slip. why? because hana is reeeeeeeeally passionate about what she does...

Additional Info:

  • has taken to working night shifts at the hospital because it's easier for him to avoid actively talking/interacting with people. 
    • sneaks into the morgue on his lunch breaks and considers breaking off a limb or two but never actually does. 
      • if he thinks about it too long, he spends his entire lunch break with his head in a toilet. 
  • hysterically squeamish. major hemophobia, dry heaves if something looks even remotely gross. 
  • has taken to eating stray cats & dogs in order to fight off the hunger for live flesh. he feels awful about it; is now exceedingly awkward around household pets as a result. 
  • 5'10" & 151Ibs
  • fc used is steven yeun 

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