
2 years, 11 months ago


Borderlands Fan-Character - She spends most of her time in the waste lands collecting guns from dead bodies or broken machines. She then takes them apart to make new ones to sell to bandits and anyone who wants them. She has a contract with Marcus that she will bring him half the guns she finds or makes in order to continue her "business". She is very sharp tongued and is not afraid to speak her mind. She can be very aggressive and likes to be the head of the pack. She has a soft spot for sweets and Ren and will often go out of her way to make Ren happy. She is very smart and can be quite motherly to what friends she has and will listen to them when they have to problem or just want to rant. 

Ex-Hyperion but doesn't hate them and will still speak somewhat fondly of them.. sometimes.., Mira and her younger brother Ren got trapped on Pandora after a failed mission to talk with a client. After a couple of days on Pandora they both got attacked by Raks and Skags. Mira had to save Ren from a large pack of Skags and ended up sustaining major injures to her legs causing them to need to be amputated, but she quickly built a pair of robotic legs to replace them. 

Old Job - Weapons and Tech Engineer