


2 years, 10 months ago



Byline / edited date

Name Toothless

Species Demonic lizard
    (naga hybrid)

Approx. age 22 years old

Sex/gender Male; he/him

Height 6’ 4” (193 cm)

Build Muscular ectomorph

Eyes Hazel; green and brown

Hair Long; black with iridescence

Orientation Polygamous/polysexual

Status Single

Available for RP? Yes


Write a small synopsis of your character & story here. This box will grow with content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id tristique metus, at malesuada elit. Sed fermentum purus et odio tempor congue. Cras vestibulum porta efficitur. Morbi vel turpis at magna lobortis dapibus at vitae ante. Mauris faucibus velit et elementum rutrum. Morbi ac bibendum nibh. Integer interdum pharetra ligula, non dignissim dui fermentum varius. Aliquam sed eros sed nisl bibendum facilisis at et augue. Maecenas luctus risus ante, ac egestas lacus suscipit ut. Etiam eu urna velit. Ut vitae augue quam. Vivamus ex nisi, suscipit non nisl id, rutrum condimentum velit. Aenean vel ante pulvinar, bibendum lacus eu, euismod ex.


Deceivingly skinny, Toothless’ naturally slender 6’ 4” (193 cm) is primarily composed of lean and overly chiseled muscle — so while he may seem malnourished and sickly beneath his stained hoodie and ripped jeans, he’s anything but. He has traditionally feminine characteristics that do nothing to improve his overall delicate appearance: a thin, upturned nose; slender and straight eyebrows; a plush, plump mouth; and long, limp hair of that drapes over his shoulders, hanging down between the bony blades in inky, iridescent strands, as if he tried shampooing with motor oil. He was recently exposed to “punk fashion” and has tried to copy what he’s seen, using piercings that he robbed from his prey: the skinny hoop in his nostril; and a centered, simple stud he wears in his lower lip.

Provided that you’re not looking directly at him, he is perfectly human, possessing nothing that would immediately make his silhouette seem terribly unnatural. The second he faces you though, the demon exposes himself, revealing emissive hazel eyes with vertical viper-like pupils and a glowing mouth. Toothless’ seemingly .. well, toothless mouth gleams a bright neon green due to his saliva and the chemical reaction that occurs when it meets oxygen. Relaxed, his countless retractive teeth — snake fangs, from his naga breeding — are hidden and sheathed by the gums that are grooved, which allow him to tuck his teeth away when not in use. Although his teeth are certainly unnerving when bared, there are only four especially large fangs (located where the canine teeth should be) through which his deadly venom is released. Of course, there’s nothing stopping him from dribbling a little venom in his mouth and washing his entire collection of teeth in it before sinking them into someone — and whatever teeth happen to break off are usually replaced within the week.

Normally hidden from view are the patches of dark iridescent scales scattered across his body. Although they’re mostly random in placement, a pattern has formed where scales run down the back of his neck and between his shoulders, along his spine.

A monstrous curiosity, Toothless’ demonic form is lizard shaped, with a 6’ ft (182 cm) long body that is covered in iridescent scales. He has six limbs, including four forearms with grappling hands, and a muscular, paddle-like tail that aids him in swimming and stunning his prey with a heavy slap. Hard, horny rows of scaly ridges run from the top of his head and down his spine, growing smaller and shorter closer to the tail. He has a wide, glowing mouth with countless teeth and non-fused jaws, allowing him to swallow whole torsos (with or without the head) and severed limbs. Fenced in by his needle-like teeth is his long, prehensile tongue, the forked “head” of which is broad and, before firing, is coated in thick mucus before shooting. It creates a curtain measure of sticky suction — useful for catching fleeing prey. Toothless is capable of bouncing nearby light from his incredibly reflective lenses, which can create a hypnotic flash.


To understand Toothless’ behaviors and mannerisms, you need to consider his history. He is the product of a coerced deal between a psychopathic demon who hid kidnapped humans in the wasteland for breeding purposes. Unfortunately, the “breeders” were in poor condition and only several viable spawn were ever produced, with Toothless being the youngest — and smallest.

The “runt” of the demonic family, Toothless was treated less like a child and more like a pet. He was taken from his human mother and caged, and from his neglect emerged an incurable need for attention. Eventually, his creator took interest in him — once he was sure the boy would survive into puberty — and finally released him. By then, Toothless had developed Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder: an attachment disorder that sent him searching for attention and affection wherever he could find it, even in the human breeders and the prey he was given to devour. He would normally cling to and cuddle with his victims before hunger soon drove him to feeding.

The consequences of his upbringing impact him even now. He constantly craves attention and lacking any sense of suspicion or unease when meeting unfamiliar people, the term “stranger danger” means nothing to him. The creature is incredibly gullible, easily misled by his naive and amenable nature. He hears tone better than he comprehends words, and will happily stand by with a smile on his face while someone calls him every nasty name in the book, so long as they do so in a sweet voice.

A sensitive individual, Toothless is incredibly empathetic and easily influenced by the emotions around him. He is quite the emotional chameleon, and his mood readily changes to match that of the crowd. The demon can sense emotions with extreme clarity and if there’s sadness nearby, he usually searches for the source. He hates feeling unhappy and will try to cheer the person up to keep from experiencing secondhand sadness. Should that fail though, he may try eating them out of sheer frustration.

From the monstrous naga breeding he has inherited extreme aggression. While provoking Toothless’ fury may prove to be a challenge due to his friendly and submissive nature, he can be plunged into a brief, explosive burst of uncontrollable madness. The easiest way to ignite the demon’s ire is by touching his stuff: Toothless is a compulsive hoarder and messing with his treasure trove of trash without his permission will almost always trigger him. He’s completely packed a small, abandoned warehouse in the city with his possessions and he guards them as ferociously as a dragon guards its prized jewels. Toothless collects whatever catches his attention. Beer bottles, motorcycle batteries, and even a seemingly non-functioning android can all be found in his junk pile. The only items that pop up again and again are wind chimes — another naga quirk is his love for music, but especially quiet, twinkling little sounds that simply mesmerize him. He quite likes repetitive noises well, such as tapping.

Toothless’ mood is impacted by his diet — more specifically, he is influenced by the personality of his meal. Aggression comes more easily whenever he’s fed from someone with a natural inclination for violence. He may be grumpier and prickly following a meal, should the victim be mean-spirited. Unfortunately, that means he may instead turn weepy and moody, if he nibbled on someone who was depressed. Toothless also has a tendency to lock onto his victim’s panic and anguish during feeding and regurgitate them halfway through out of guilt, though he usually consumes them again once the emotions have faded from his system.

Beware Toothless’ oral fixation. The demon always has something in his mouth, but he especially loves hands and fingers. He’s been known to suck on and gum the hands of his partners once they’ve fallen asleep, given that they usually pull away when he tries to do it while they’re awake. So far, he hasn’t bitten any fingers off.

Additionally, Toothless understands very little English; Russian is his first and only language. Having no formal schooling, he doesn’t know how to read or write or count.


Enhanced empathy


Moody mist

A talent that is unique to Toothless is his ability to influence emotions. He can create vapors which, when inhaled, causes the victim’s mood to change and match Toothless’ own. Given his clingy and affectionate nature, he mostly uses his trick to make others feel cuddly or extremely horny so he can have sex with them — but he could just as easily cause an unsuspecting crowd to panic or become wildly enraged without any apparent cause.


A more specialized ability he possesses: he can trick a specific individual into believing that whatever damage he causes himself is instead done to them. He will gingerly bite and claw himself, inflicting an amplified phantom pain onto his targeted victim, making them think they’re being maimed and mangled — ripped open, disemboweled. Instead of chasing his prey, he can simply fool them into thinking they’ve been crippled in some way and pounce while they writhe on the ground in agony.





Chameleon tongue



  • His favorite food is human eyeballs and the nervous system, such as the brain and especially the spinal cord.
  • Because the nature of his prey influences his mood, he prefers to feed on happy individuals — they’re “tastier” than those who are depressed or foul-tempered.
  • Morbi vel turpis at magna lobortis dapibus at vitae ante. Mauris faucibus velit et elementum rutrum. Morbi ac bibendum nibh.
  • Aliquam sed eros sed nisl bibendum facilisis at et augue.