


2 years, 10 months ago



"The walls have ears, hun."

Glossy is one of the few people born and raised in Hemlock that just never left. The town gossip and primary news source, Glossy has an ear in everyone's business.

His bar is home to those in need of cash under the table, and although he can be snide, he is caring (in his own, reserved, way) He won't pretend everything is perfect, but he'll be down to Earth and say what needs to be said when neccessary.


Name Glossy
Age 37
Gender he/him
Species Lipstick
Birthday July 13th
Height 6'8
Orientation gay
Occupation bar owner

  • sewing/knitting
  • barbeque
  • hosting festivities

  • anything red
  • greasy foods
  • police


  • Glossy was always an expressive and larger-than-life person, but he learned that confidence from his platonic partner, Cheesecake.
  • He isn't the type to ramble, but loves listening to others talk, especially when it's personal.
  • Glossy runs events at his bar to bring the townsfolk together as it can be dreary without much going on.
  • Although he's technically committing tax evasion and fraud, Cheesecake makes sure to keep fake documents at hand in the case of an emergency. Cheescake personally sells neccessary papers such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and passports.
  • 9cf4d1fd6c5b6ee7ca3b5a98b99eed3dd1d0a5d6

Design Notes

  • Note 1
  • Note 2
  • Note 3
  • Feel free to take artistic liberties with styles and palettes!


Glossy is a native from Hemlock, one of the rare few who stayed in the town. He grew up when the town first started, entranced by the stories people said about larger, richer places like the cities down south. This would inspire him to buy the cheap, foreclosed bar and turn it into a town center.

Anything that costed more then $40 was done by hand, with the help of friends and volunteers, and once renovated, Glossy opened up his bar. He loves the gossip, the laughter that roars through the halls, and serving others while they serve him in return. It's his pride and joy hosting for Hemlock, and providing for his loved ones.

His platonic partner, Cheesecake, is his old penpal who came to Hemlock for Glossy and stayed for the simplicity of life in comparison to their smog-ridden city. Cheesecake sells fradulent documents like marriage certificates, passports, and other paperwork for extra cash on the side to help with the bar. Together, the two watch over the town, as best they can.

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