
2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Violet

Reason of name: lol she purple 

Gender: Female

Prompt: idk

Sexuality: Bisexual

Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Crush: Sombra(formerly)

Backstory: how a demon becomes physical is they takeover the body they're possessing. The spirit of the host becomes a wandering spirit until the demon dies then they can go to the afterlife. All Violet wanted was a happy life. A life where people wouldn't betray her. A life where people would love her. She felt like giving up when she met Sombra. Sombra gave her love. Sombra gave her power. Only to betray her again and to have Sombra steal her body. Now she wander aimlessly across the land. A sad ghost wanting revenge on the king of demons who she once loved

(sorry I felt like writing something. Cookie for whoever read her entire backstory!:>)