Kai “Voh” Kameāloha



2 years, 10 months ago



Kai “Voh” Kameāloha, a half white half Hawaiian, slightly dark skin with dark brown hair and light brown highlights. Keep his hair long and in a braid on one side. Blue-gray eyes that always look tired. Strong build, has a full sleeve tattoo on his left arm. Both hands have heavily scarred knuckles and scars on the back of his hands. Light freckling on his face. 6’1” (185.42 cm) and 185lbs (83.9kg). 27 years old. He is fluent in English and Russian.


Calm, adaptive, and regimented, Voh knows how to de-stress situations. When in the field he is always focused and does not joke around. Although always friendly and respectful, he feels awkward in many social situations, especially if someone attempts to become close with him. However, outside of tense situations and when with people he truly trusts, he can be what some may consider a goofball. He does not like going in on low info, but if that is what is available, he will make it work.


2 speed, 2 armor. Unique gadget is the “ATSG-MkII”, also known as the Anti-Tank Sticky Grenade. Voh often refers to it as “Supernova”. Once thrown, it can be detonated at any time, and detonates instantly. It creates an impact grenade sized hole in reinforced walls, which can be entered through by crouching, creating new attack points. Generally, Voh is best used to create a hole, either for sniping or entering.




-VSS Vintorez





-Smoke Grenades (x2)

-Breach Charges (x3)


Kai grew up estranged from his family, as he was born from an affair that tore the parents apart. His father was a rich business man, and his mother, a maid for them. He has 4 older siblings, one is deceased. The only person in his family he was close to was his uncle (from his mothers side), who was also his only good role model. His uncle saw potential in Kai, and took him under his wing, having his home be a safe space for Kai to train. He was taught how to shoot guns, hand to hand combat, and basic first aid. His uncle is a special op for a secret organization, and would never tell Kai no matter how much he asked. After graduating high school, he ran away, and was homeless. In this time, he took up surfing as a hobby and ran into a professional surfer that recognized him and took him to the mainland. He stayed homeless there, trying to keep a low profile while working with the pro surfer. While drifting around searching for food, he walked by a warehouse and was attacked by a terrorist, for getting too close to their setup. He was able to fight off the terrorist, and was able to take out a few more once acquiring weapons from the original terrorist. Rainbow soon arrived after hearing gunfire, capturing Kai and the remaining terrorists and Kai was then recruited.