UFS Unnamed, $30's Comments

Anyone from my tertiaries folder interest you?

Sorry for the late reply, but I'm looking for money offers right now. (I did look through your tertiary folder, I didn't see any characters I liked, sorry!)

All good ;)

Id be down to offer a bit of money and some art! 

Sorry for the late reply, what would you like to offer?

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Hi there, I took a look in the folders you linked and I didn’t see anyone I liked.

I’d love to look at any other offers you may have!

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You can private message me an example if you’d like :)

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would you be willing to negotiate price?

Hey there, sorry for the late reply! What were you thinking of offering?

Either of the characters in my adopts folder or art (with money as well, possibly)

I took a look, I don't see anyone I like there. What kind of money offer were you thinking?