


8 years, 10 months ago


♫    Profile 

Name: Beatrice "Bea"

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 25th

Species: Deino 

Height: 5'4"

Characteristic: Takes plenty of siestas


Incinerate - Fire

Toxic - Poison

Ice fang - Ice

Draco Meteor - Dragon

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Status: Single



Beatrice is a perky girl, and she tends to shy away from serious topics. She's rather childish in that sense. She's very open and honest about things, and she'd pretty much never tell a lie unless it's for their own good. She's very friendly, although sometimes she gets to be far too excitable and ends up apologizing a little while afterwards. Overall, she's your average energetic girl who doesn't really know when to settle down and likes to have fun!


+ Accan 

+ Adventure (Especially if it's one that involves dirt / hard work)  

+ Ice cream / sweets 

+ Skipping stones 

+ Predicting the weather better than everyone else 

+ Predicting in general


+ Battling 

+ Long clothing (Dresses, pants, etc.)  

+ Darkness (Wow dark type hates darkness--)  

+ People touching her hair / fluff 

+ Vegetables

♫    Background

Beatrice lived in Blackthorn city before moving, and thus, she also partook in a lot of battling. Unlike her friend, however, she was born into a family of four as the youngest child, and only met her friend through thier families. They ended up spending a lot of time together, and also battled against each other quite frequently. Although her friend would hate to admit it, she won most of the time. Her parents, while less strict with her, were strict in normal terms and didn't allow her to have or do several things that, when compared to most, were pretty normal. (Ie; going to the mall and sleepovers weren't ever allowed) Unlike Accan, however, she wasn't terribly great with academics and strategy, therefore having to haul overtime to pass with mediocre grades. She prefered to stay up late often and take excessive naps during the day since she felt that she operated better at night. Thus, when she does sleep, she likes a light on since, unfortunately, she's afraid of the things that go bump in the night. When her childhood friend had decided to move on, she figured it was a good idea and, after a month or so of thinking it over, she followed him to Lotus! He was kind enough to allow her to bunk with her, and so now she lives both with him and outside his house because sleeping in other people's houses is scary. (That, and her parents liked to tell her that sleepovers would bring bad luck)

♫    Drawing Notes