Alaestor Mìcheal Rosethorn



-Changeling, can transform into any animal, natural or magical. 

-Headmaster and Founder of "Rosethorn Academy" a school for young mages  or other magic folk. The academy offers traditional lessons like English, History, Maths, Science, as well as magical lessons. The school itself is located within a forest on the outskirts of Edinburgh, but it's magically hidden, and it was created as an international hub. The way this is accomplished is through the "Hall of Doors", a long hallway full of doors, as the name suggests. Each student is given a magical key that they can use on any door, and the door will open to the academy at one of the doors. At the end of the day, the same key will be used on any door in the hall and it will take them through whatever door they came in from.  

-It's not exactly a secret to his students that he can transform into animals, but he doesn't talk about it or do it in front of them. He keeps an air of mystery about it, and hides his fae ancestry. 

-As a child, he was bullied for being different, and after contact with the fae realm, physical changes started happening during times of stress, most notably, his arms and legs would take on an inky black hue spreading upwards, his eyes would turn solid black, his teeth and nails would become sharp, and he would look overall slightly less human.  As a child, the changes would come in separately and he would always rush to hide them. It was very rare for all changes to happen simultaneously, and would really only happen if he was under extreme stress. The older he got, the more often this happened.  Nowadays, he's able to hide his appearance under a glamour so he's able to live as a normal (if not magical) human. Once again, extreme stress can cause the features to override the glamour.

-At one point in his life, he traveled to the fae realm and spent many years there, becoming more in tune with his fae side. He was there for long enough to develop some bad habits, and had to unlearn his disregard for humans and callousness that so many fae had. He still occasionally has some peculiarities, but he hides it well, and he has a good heart. 

- He has a magical cloak called The Cloak of Stars. It allows him to summon starry creatures from the lining of the cloak, and gives his own animal transformations a pure black appearance, with the occasional twinkle of stars. Besides the aesthetic changes, it helps him blend in to darkness, create illusions, see in the dark, and gives him a connection to the stars, in which he can always tell where any constellation is instinctually, as well as always know which way is north.  The Cloak of Stars has an enchantment on it, so that he can change it to look however he wants, mostly meaning he changes it to various jackets that go with his outfits. It's also glamored to appear like a normal jacket to non-magical humans, or if he chooses to hide it.

- Full Name: Alaestor Micheal Rosethorn
- Nicknames: none
- Alias(es) (if applicable): Is often referred to by his last name or a shortened "Rose"
- Birthday (including year):
- Current Age: Truly unknown due to spending time in the human and fae realm.  Physically he seems to look roughly 50.
- Species: Half-Fae/Changeling
- Gender and/or Pronouns: Cis Male
- Romantic and/or Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
- Place of Birth: Uig, Isle of Skye, Scotland.
- Ethnicity: Scottish
-  Current Place of Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland. (Or more accurately, a  magically hidden manor in the forests outside Edinburgh)  
- Languages Spoken: English, Welsh, Gaelic Scottish, Irish, Cornish, Manx, and British Sign Language
- Native Language: English and Gaelic Scottish equally.
- Occupation:  Headmaster and founder of an international magical school
- Handedness: Ambidexturous 

-  Skin Colour:  Pale, easily flushed, can get a slight tan if he spends  time in warmer climates. (Doesn't really get sunburnt or freckled)
- Hair Colour: Black in childhood, but it lightened a little as it aged and got a few greys.
- Hairstyle (short, long, cropped, bob, etc.): Short on the sides, longer on the top
- Eye Colour: Lavender, can pick up colors reflected from clothing or scenery and appear more blue or grey.
- Height: 6'7"
- Weight (approximate):
- Body Type: Fit and muscled, usually hidden under layers as it's more of a natural state than anything he works on.

- Does your character have any body modifications? If so, what are they?  He has a glamour to hide his true appearance. (True appearance has  sharp nails, black on his hands/feet coming up forearms/calves, glowing  purple eyes, sharp teeth, and overall slightly inhuman features)  
- Does your character have any minor physical blemishes and/or injuries (scars, a nicked ear, missing tooth, etc.)?  Some minor scarring on his body, but nothing crazy
- What does your character’s casual fashion look like? Do any aesthetics/styles appeal to them? Well-Dressed, suits and dress shoes, often with an overcoat of some  sort (His "cloak of stars" can transform into any article of outerwear  to match his outfits)
- What does your character’s formal fashion look like? What would they wear to a fancy and/or special occasion? For formal occasions, the only change is that he adds a bit more  jewelry, so a tie pin, nicer cufflinks, rings, an earring, Watch, etc.   He prefers masculine jewelry.
- Does your character have any  unique physical traits that make them stand out among their species  (heterochromia, an extra toe, Marfan syndrome, etc.)? Even in his glamour, he has lavender eyes, which he explains away as an eye condition
- Does your character have any major physical disabilities (missing limb(s), paralyzation, blindness/deafness, etc.)?  No
-  Does your character have any bad habits that affect them physically  (nail biting, lip biting, scratching/picking at their skin, etc.)? None

- Does your character like the way they look? Yes
- What (appearance-wise) is your character self-conscious about? He  has some self-consciousness about his true form, given his childhood  amongst humans, the children were terrified when his true form was  revealed. He worries that he will be judged for his true form and for  being fae.
- What is something your character loves about their body? He thinks he's quite attractive, and would definitely be attracted to someone with a similar physique.
-  If they have any physical blemishes (scars, lots of moles, a big  birthmark, etc.), how do they feel about it? Would they change it if  they could? Although his true form isn't considered blemishes,  it can be said that he would not change his true form, even if he does  have self-conscious feelings about it.
- Does your character like to show themselves off or are they more reserved? He  knows he's good looking, but he prefers to dress himself modestly and  cover himself in layers. He feels that he looks his best with good  clothes and accessories.
- Do they have any secret body modifications that they don’t tell anyone about? His ears are pierced, but he doesn't often wear earrings.
- Do they dress/appear the way they want to appear, or do they feel like they need to hide? He dresses the way he'd like to. It's just the true form he keeps hidden. 

- Mother(s): Davonna Rosethorn-Kelly
- Birth Father: Eileáryn  (A fae)
-Step Father: Lachlan Kelly
- Brother(s): None
- Sister(s): One younger half sister.
- Other Relevant Distant/Immediate Family: None

- Does your character have a good or bad relationship with their parents? Describe it. For  a long time, Alaestor thought Lachlan was his dad, until his fae  ancestry was revealed.  After learning that, he went through a phase of  hating his stepdad, lashing out and misplacing his anger and turmoil  from the torment he got from his fae ancestry. Over time he did calm  down, and even after his time in the fae realm as a young adult, he had a  respect for the man who basically raised him as his own. As for his  mother, he always was closer to her. It was a constant for him, having a  parent biologically connected to him.  He'll visit them every few  months.
- Does your character still live with any of their family members? How  do they feel about it? Nope. He'd probably go crazy if he lived with  his parents now. He has a hard time just sitting down and relaxing. He  has to be doing something.
- Are your character’s parents still together? Separated? Divorced? Widowed/widower?  Well his biological father was never in the picture, as his mom made a  bargain for a child and basically had a one-night-stand with Eilearyn,  who tried to trick her afterward, into giving him the child, but Davonna  found a way to stop him from doing so, and in his anger at being  bested, he cursed Alaestor with infertility, because he couldn't get to  Davonna.
- Are any of your character’s major family members deceased? If so, whom? Grandparents on both sides
- Who is your character’s favourite family member? His mother
- Who is your character’s least favourite family member? Birth father
-  Does your character have any found family (i.e. people not related to  them by blood that they would consider family)? If so, what are their  names? Craven (A bird turned to man, whom he met many years ago. He provided safety to Craven and in return the bird-man helps him at his magical school.)

- Relationship Status: Single
- Partner’s Name:
- Partner’s Gender:
- Marital Status:
      * If your character does not have a partner, you can replace it with  their crush’s name—if your character is asexual, aromantic, or  otherwise uninterested in romantic and/or sexual relationships, you can  express that in the following questionnaire
- Children:

- Is your character interested in romantic/sexual relationships? Why or why not? He's more open to sexual relationships than romantic, but even that, he's always so busy that he rarely gets private time to hook up.
- Has your character ever felt like they needed to suppress their sexuality out of the fear of being judged? He never thought about sexuality the way humans do. Growing up, he knew the other teens started liking boys or girls, but he never really found anyone he was romantically interested in, and just assumed that romantic love was your orientation, and then sex was just sex. So for a while he thought he didn't like anyone. As he got a little older, he'd accept advances indiscriminately, and he got a bit of a reputation for being willing to sleep around amongst his schoolmates. If anyone judged him, it was more for being so open than who he went to bed with. He didn't see what the big deal was.
- Did your character have a childhood crush (fictional character, another OC, or real person)? If so, who were they? No childhood crushes. His first real romantic attraction he felt towards anyone was in the fae realm, as an adult.
- If your character has a crush or partner, what is their favourite thing about them?  He doesn't currently have anyone like that.
- If your character has a crush or partner, what is their least favourite thing about them?
- What is your character’s taste in partners? Do they have a “type”? He likes an equal match, someone smart and adventurous. He enjoys  bravery and a willingness  to stand up for what they believe in. Physically, he has no specific traits he likes over any other.  Honestly he can find beauty in anyone, and loves the complexity of humanity.
-  What is your character’s favourite physical part of someone? Eyes. He loves expressive eyes and facial features. Conversely, he has no interest in those that hide their true thoughts and feelings.
- Is your character shy or confident around their partner and/or crush? Why? It's that fae confidence. He hasn't been considered "shy" in any capacity in a LONG time.
- What does your character notice first in a person? Their expressions. He finds beauty in so many physical attributes, but expressiveness is not something everyone has, and he is drawn to those who express themselves freely.
- What does your character seek in a romantic and/or sexual partner? What do they think is someone’s most important quality? Ideally, he'd want someone who is honest, brave, expressive, smart, loyal, and understanding.
- (18+) Does your character have any kinks and/or fetishes? He enjoys all sorts of things, and he's always willing to try something a partner likes, but honestly sex is sex, however you go about it, and if it's pleasurable to him or a partner, it's worth doing.
- Does your character want children? Why or why not? Even if he wasn't infertile, or had a chance to adopt, he wouldn't. He has no paternal instinct and is not a fan of babies and children. Being a teacher is about as close to a parental figure he'll ever be. And even then, he doesn't really know how to handle some of the things these kids throw at him. He's always quick to hand off any students with questions to another, more competent adult.
- If your character wants children, would they prefer to give birth or adopt? n/a
- Does your character consider themselves a good lover? Yes. He's got experience and he's willing to try things, listen to a partner, do what they want. He's not selfish, and he is attentive. That's what he would consider a good lover.
- Would your character consider themselves a hopeless romantic? If so, why? No. He doesn't care about sappy stuff. He'd probably do it for a partner's sake, but as long as they're happy, he's happy.

- Does your character have a best friend?
      * If your character does not have a best friend, answer the  following in regards to someone (or several people) they’re somewhat  close to
- Do they have a large friend group or a few close friends? Which do they prefer?
- How did your character and their best friend meet?
- What is their fondest memory with their best friend?
- What is their worst memory with their best friend? Do they have any?
- What is their favourite thing to do with their best friend?
- What is their favourite thing about their best friend?
- Do they (best friend) have any traits that annoy your character?
- Is there someone your character wants to be friends with, but can’t? If so, who are they?
- Does your character have a hard time making friends? If so, why?
- If they could change something about their friend, what would it be?
- Does your character regret losing a friend? If so, what happened? Did they ever reconcile?
- Has your character ever befriended someone who was formerly an enemy? If so, how did it happen?

- Does your character have an enemy or several enemies?
- Why don’t your character and their enemy get along? What happened?
- Is your character’s enemy a family member?
- How did your character and their enemy meet?
- How does your character feel about their enemy (tolerance, hatred, disgust, regret, disappointment, etc.)?
- If your character could change their relationship with their enemy, would they? Why or why not?
- Does your character have anything in common with their enemy? Are they polar opposites or is their enemy a character foil?
-  Does your character hate their enemy (or enemies) enough to kill them?  Has your character actually killed any of their opponents?
- Does your character want to be friends with their enemy? If so, what’s stopping them?
- How does your character feel about having enemies?

- What is your character like? Are they generally friendly, mean, or somewhere in between?
- Is your character confident or do they often feel self-conscious? Why?
- Does your character want to change their personality? Why or why not?
- Is your character happy with their life? Why or why not?
- Is your character easy to get along with? Do they consider themselves easygoing?
- Is your character a lone wolf or do they prefer to spend time with others?
- Is your character an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
- Does your character have any dreams/aspirations? If so, what are they and are they achievable?
- Are they messy or do they prefer when things are neat and tidy?
- What are your character’s most positive traits?
- What are your character’s most negative traits?
- Do they have any traits you (the owner) would consider neutral?
- What would your character consider their greatest achievement?
- What does your character think their worst quality is? Are they right about themselves?
- Do they regret anything? If so, what?
- How does your character react to criticism? Do they take it kindly or see it as a personal attack?
- What is something that makes your character really sad?
- How does your character deal with stress? Are they good at managing their feelings?
- What is their biggest fear? Have they ever had to face it? Have they conquered it?
- What is the worst thing your character has ever done? Would they consider themselves an evil or bad person?
-  Is your character an evil and/or bad person (speaking from the  creator’s perspective)? Are they good, evil, or generally morally grey?
- Are they good at lying? Why or why not?
- What is your character the most offended by? Why?
- Is your character nostalgic for anything? If so, what?
- What makes your character laugh?
- What are their pet peeves (i.e. little things that really annoy them)?
- What is the worst idea your character has ever had? Did they follow through with it?
- How does your character think they will die? (Alternative: What death does your character fear the most?)

- What time period and/or century did your character grow up in?
- Did your character have a good childhood? If not, what happened?
- Does your character think their childhood influenced who they are in the present?
- What is your character’s favourite childhood memory?
- What is your character’s least favourite childhood memory?
- Did your character experience any trauma as a child or teenager? If so, what?
- Growing up, did your character have a favourite comfort object? If so, what was/is it?
- Did your character go to school? If so, did they finish school? If not, why?
- If they went to school or any form of formal/institutionalized education, what was their favourite subject/topic?
- Where (or from whom) did your character learn most of their life skills?
- What did your character want to be when they grew up? Did their aspirations change or did they achieve their goals?
- Who in their life had the most positive impact on them as a child?
- Was your character popular as a child or somewhat of an outcast?
- What would your character consider the most important event in their life so far? Are they right?
- How does your character feel about their childhood? Are they indifferent?
- Did your character have a rebellious teenager phase? If not, why?
*  If your character is not a teenager yet or currently in their teenage  years, describe their rebellious phase or explain why you think they  would or wouldn’t be rebellious
- If your character could give advice to their younger self, what would it be?
-  If your character could go back and change one thing about their  backstory, what would they pick and why? How would that change impact  their life up to this point?
- What is your character’s most painful memory?

- Does your character think they’re healthy? Are they actually healthy?
- What is your character’s hygiene like? Do they take care of themselves?
- Does your character have any physical ailments that hinder their abilities? If so, what are they?
- Does your character suffer from any mental illnesses and/or developmental disorders? If so, what are they?
- Do they have any allergies (food allergies, seasonal allergies, fur allergies, etc.)?
- Is your character physically strong? Why or why not?
- Would your character consider themselves emotionally strong? Why or why not?
-  Is your character addicted to any substances (drugs, alcohol, smoking,  etc.)? If so, have they ever been able to overcome their addiction?
-  Does your character have any other non-illegal addictions that they  would not admit to (video games, internet, a particular hobby, etc.)? If  so, what is it?
- Is your character self-destructive in any way? If so, what do they do?

- Would your character prefer to live in a mansion or small house? Why?
- What does your character actually live in (a mansion, small house, apartment, cave, etc.)?
- Does your character have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
- Does your character value their personal space? Do they respect others’ personal space?
- Do they live with someone or by themselves? If they live with someone, do they like their housemate(s)?
- Do they have anything secret in their living space that they would never show anyone? If so, what are they hiding?
- Does your character sleep with their bedroom door open or closed?
- What kind of aesthetic do they try to achieve in their living space (minimalist, cottage, cluttered, etc.)?
- Is your character’s living space tidy or are they a bit of a slob? How does your character think their living space looks?
- What is something really strange or otherwise unorthodox that your character keeps in their living space?

- What does your character do at work?
- Is your character a workaholic? How important is their job to them?
- Does your character get along with their coworkers? Why or why not?
- What would be your character’s dream job? Are they working it?
- What is something your character likes about their job?
- What is something your character hates about their job?
- Does your character consider themselves good at what they do? Are they actually good at it?

- Favourite Movie(s):
- Favourite Movie Genre(s):
- Favourite TV Show(s):
- Favourite Game(s):
- Favourite Book(s):
- Favourite Food(s):
- Favourite Drink(s):
- Favourite Animal(s):
- Favourite Time Period(s):
- Favourite Music Genre(s):
- Favourite Singer/Band(s):
- Favourite Season(s):
- Favourite Sport(s):
- Favourite Artist(s):
- Favourite Day of the Week:
- Favourite Travel Destination(s):
- Favourite Number(s):
      * For characters that exist at a time/in a universe where some of  these options are not available (e.g. a character that exists in the  1830s won’t have a favourite movie), replace it with the equivalent of  their time period universe (e.g. instead of a movie, an 1830scharacter  might have a favourite play or instead of a video game, a 1930s  character might have a favourite board game)
- Morning or Night:
- Sunny Weather or Rain:
- Warm Weather or Cold:
- Dogs or Cats:
- Reading or Watching TV:
- Busy Weekend or Lazy Weekend:
- Talking or Listening:
- School or Work:
- Coffee or Tea:
- Indoors or Outdoors:
- Urban or Rural:
- Fruits or Vegetables:

- What hobbies does your character engage in?
- Does your character have enough free time to indulge in their hobbies on a regular basis? How do they feel about it?
- Does your character find enjoyment in their hobbies? Do they simply do them to pass the time?
- What is a hobby your character wants to get into, but can’t seem to find the motivation?
- What is their absolute favourite thing to do?
- Do they have any hobbies they like to do with friends/other people?
- What do they consider themselves to be the most skilled at? Are they actually skilled at it?
- Have their hobbies changed as they’ve grown up? What did they enjoy doing as a kid?
- Do they collect anything? If so, what?
- What nonessential items and/or activities do they spend most of their money on?
- Is your character into an occupation that has anything to do with one of their hobbies?
- Is your character open to trying new things?
- What are three things your character is really good at?
- What are three things your character is really bad at?
- What is your character’s most prized possession?
- Does your character care about what others think of their hobbies?
- If your character had a bag they carried around all the time, what are three items that would always be in it?

- Does your character follow any religion? If so, what religion and why? If not, why?
- Would your character consider themselves an optimist or a pessimist?
-  Does your character believe in an afterlife? If so, what do they  believe in? If not, what do they think is going to happen after they  die?
- What are your character’s political views?
* This is not  limited to real-life political parties or beliefs—if your universe has a  different set of politics, laws, or principles, those are also  applicable
- Is your character obedient or disobedient to authorities? Are they a defiant person?
- Is your character outspoken about their beliefs or do they keep to themselves? Why?
- Would your character consider themselves a leader or a follower? What are they actually?
- Does your character believe in the supernatural (i.e. ghosts)? Why or why not?
- Does your character believe in aliens or extraterrestrial life? Why or why not?
- Does your character believe in soulmates and/or love at first sight? Why or why not?
- Does your character believe in zodiacs/star signs? If so, what is theirs?
- What is something your character would always refuse to do? Why?
- Is there anything your character would be willing to give their life for? Why or why not?
- Does your character have any biases and/or prejudices? Are they aware of it?
- Would your character consider themselves a pacifist or a supporter of war/violence?
-  Is your character open-minded, tolerant, or respectful of people who  don’t share their opinions/views? Why or why not? If not, do they want  to be?
- Would you (the creator) consider your character a hateful person? Does your character consider themselves a hateful person?
- How does your character feel about stealing? Have they or would they ever intentionally steal from someone?
-  Has your character ever made an obviously immoral choice that they  believed was the right thing to do? If so, what happened and what was  the outcome?
- In your character’s opinion, what is the greatest thing someone could do?
- In your character’s opinion, what is the most evil thing someone could do?
- Does your character believe they are capable of changing? Are they?
- Would your character rather be feared or be loved?
- Is your character quick to judge other people?

- Is your character a lover or a fighter? Why?
- If it came down to it, what would be your character’s weapon of choice?
- Is your character the kind of person who would initiate a fight or throw the first punch? Why or why not?
- What does your character do when they’re angry? Are their coping mechanisms good or bad?
- Does your character react kindly to being verbally insulted, but not physically harmed? What would their reaction be?
- Would your character be willing to kill someone? Why or why not?
- Has your character ever been involved in a major conflict? If so, what happened?

NOTE: As suggested by the title, these questions are not intended to be  canon! Even if your character does not fit into these questions, fill  them out to flesh out your character in different scenarios! Regardless  of the situation, most of these questions rely on your character's  reaction and/or course of action; the actual scenario is not that  important.

1. Your character witnesses an elderly woman getting  robbed on the street. There are a lot of bystanders, your character  included, but no one is doing anything. How does your character react?
2. Someone has just confessed that they love your character and/or asked them on a date. How do they react? What would they say?
3.  Someone just told your character their deepest, darkest secret. What  they told them is very serious, but they asked your character not to  tell anyone. What does your character do?
4. Your character has just woken up from a nightmare. What do they do to relax?
5.  Someone asks your character to create a piece of art for an art  exhibit. What do they make and why? Would they make anything at all?
6. A stranger has just approached your character and asked if they could vent to them. What does your character say?
7. Your character thinks they just saw a ghost. How do they react?
8.  Your character is hanging out with a group of people. One person in the  group starts telling a really embarrassing story about your character  that was supposed to be private. How does your character react?
9. Your character creates a social media account. What would their username be and what kind of things would they post?
10.  While walking down the street, your character suddenly realizes that  they’ve been a victim of pickpocketing. They see someone up ahead who  might be the culprit. What do they do?
11. One of your character’s  friends asks them to join a game of soccer/football, but all the other  players are better than them. Do they join the game or are they sitting  this one out?
12. Your character is invited to a friend’s house for  dinner. The meal being served is something your character hates, but is  not allergic to. What do they do about it?
13. A police officer pulls  your character and asks to see their license, but there’s one problem:  your character forgot their license at home. What excuse do they make  up?
14. It’s Halloween! What is your character dressing up as?
15.  A student in your character’s class asks to borrow a pen, but your  character knows that student never returns anything they “borrow.” Is  your character going to lend their pen?