Joaquin Dolores



3 years, 2 months ago





“Joaquin Dolores,” “The Shark of Pacifica,” “Rose Dolores”



Male (AFAB) — he / him

45 years old — October 11th, 2032 / born in Night City

Suffers from fatal familial insomnia, managed by cybernetic implants

Pet shark named Esmeralda



Partner(s) — River

Best Friends — Jackie, Johnny *, Kerry

Friends — Viktor, Panam, Evelyn, Dex *, T-Bug *




2032, OCT. Rose is born to a Puerto Rican single-mother named Esmeralda. Her two jobs leaves her 12 year old daughter, Margarita, to raise Rose.

2039, MAR. Esmeralda begins dating one of her clients; a man named Endre Erős, a CEO of the corp EROS. Rose distrusts Endre.

2039, OCT. Endre and Esmeralda engage and marry, thrusting the family into the lap of luxury. Esmeralda quits both of her jobs to focus on her kids and ends up legally changing their surnames to Erős.

2043, JUN. Despite their best efforts, Rose drifts away from both Esmeralda and Margarita, viewing them as having become too ‘complacent’ in their new lifestyle. Rose begins to spend time with gangs and other street-kids.

2044, OCT. Rose comes out as a trans man on his birthday after Endre teases him during a special birthday dinner for being ‘a brutish female’. Endre chastises him and blames his new friends for 'this lifestyle choice’. Margarita stands up for her brother and yells at Endre. Esmeralda remains quiet. Endre leaves and the three have a quiet conversation with each other. The following day the two refer to him as Joaquin, and use he / him pronouns. Endre does not directly address Joaquin for the next 10 years.

2047, DEC. Joaquin has a confrontation with Endre when Esmeralda is not home, calling him a 'corpo-pig’ and accusing him of 'ruining his family’. Joaquin tries to attack and kill Endre, but is overpowered. Endre kicks him out.

2048, JAN. Joaquin finds shelter with the Valentinos and spends the following 4 years with them. His FFI hits him in full force during this time and he uses what little money he has left on cyberware to help manage the disease.

2052, OCT. The day before his birthday, Joaquin reads a scream-sheet that speaks of the murder of Endre Erős and his wife and step-daughter: Esmeralda and Margarita Erős. He tells Sebastian Ibarra and no one else, openly mourning for a single night before never mentioning it again.

2053, APR. Joaquin leaves the Valentinos and pursues his love of the ocean, joining a marine nomad family called the Remolinos; a group of pirates who use the Panama Canal to travel between the American West Coast and the Caribbean islands. 

2067, AUG. Joaquin returns to Night City and manages to rent a small apartment on the outskirts of Pacifica for himself with the eddies he made overseas. He continues to pick up merc work to pay the bills and occasionally operates as a fixer for minor Pacifica jobs. Joaquin also meets Dexter DeShawn during this time and remain friendly acquaintances.

2070, SEPT. Jackie and Joaquin meet at El Coyote Cojo and quickly hit it off, partnering up on future jobs.

2076, JAN. Unable to keep up with his rising apartment rent and the increasing costs of his FFI management cybernetics, Joaquin moves in with Jackie and Mama Welles.

2076, NOV. Having already gained a sturdy rep in Pacifica by running jobs when they were docked there through out his pirate years, Joaquin was able to takeover the small, abandoned Pacifica Aquarium where he found a leopard shark on the verge of death within one of the central displays, the creature having survived by eating its tank mates. Joaquin fed and cared for the shark until it was once again healthy. He named it Esmeralda after his mother’s tattoo, a beautiful depiction of a leopard shark spanning the entirety of her left arm.

2077, FEB. Joaquin helps co-fix the Relic heist with Dex and brings Jackie and T-Bug on board, beginning the (altered) events of Cyberpunk 2077.