Abbo Fiers



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Abbo Fiers








A stereotypical supervillain, he has a massive mansion evil lair, tons of doom machines and gadgets, and a billion heroes after him. He comes from a long line of villains, who's lair was passed down from generation to generation, and is the top of the top. He tries his absolute hardest to be as "evil" as possible, and has become incredibly good at quite literally being unstoppable. If his boobytrapped house wasn't hard enough to deal with, he also has an army of robots he's built himself, along with mechs, and his own ability to kick butt with physical attacks. If a hero was to get close to him, he also has the unfortunate (for others) ability to blast laser like fire from his mouth. Everyone from his world fears him, and heroes dread trying to kill him. Heroes are known to easily annoy him, as he's usually minding his own business when they attack. 

Despite that however, he is also the sweetest man you'll ever meet. He may not want to admit it, but he does care about others. In fact, he never wishes to kill, his interests lie in destroying things, not people. He will do all he can to avoid killing someone he's fighting against. Even his favorite hobby (more like addiction) of destroying buildings, he tries to make everyone run away from fear first before actually attacking. He doesn't understand why himself. Deep within, he's just a passionate person, one who doesn't understand what it means to truly love or to be loved. Actually, he's quite the dork too, being rather awkward in actual conversations. He will try to keep his composure, but honestly, he can be pretty bad at it at times.

As a young child his parents were killed off by heroes, leaving him to be homeless and on the streets. Everyone, even then, feared him, and refused to feel any form of sympathy. As time went by however, he rose in power and reclaimed what was rightfully his, storming his stolen lair and reclaiming it.

He actually has a collection of stuffed animals that he cannot sleep without, and loves, mostly of cats and dogs. Actually, he even adopts homeless pets and keeps them around in his lair. He's good at loving animals, but not so much other people. Moreso, he's terrible at expressing it. He also adores Kaiju movies, for obvious reasons.

His kind actually comes from space, an alien species who was once primal. They had stowed away on another race's spacecraft unknowingly, causing the original captain to crashland on earth. It was from there that they had lived in the wild, becoming humanoid overtime along with the other creatures.