Blitz (#768)'s Comments

Was actually tied between this one and the other..if this one is available I am interested in them (love their expression sooo much)

hi! this one is still totally available! : D  would you like to get them? ^^ (thank you so much!!! ;v; i really love them a lot too, i'm so glad you like them!!)
if you want them you can send the 1950 points here! ^^  

Sent the points!! My DA is NeonKurvaz aswell

received! I'll transfer them to you asap! I will notify you when the ml is ready so you can update the profile if you want >u</ thank you very much for adopting them!!! <3

AAAA you are welcome, and thank you for letting me adopt this cutie ^^

(i also hopped into the discord aswell for anything needing me there)

<3 oki! is good to know you joined the community over there!  : D and thanks to you! haha >u<
Also! Surely you already noticed but here is the official ml of Red gold! just in case you want to update it, thank you very much!