001 :: Heart Tap's Comments

any way i could get the code for the version in the profile image? if that makes sense, i really like the colors for it and layout

The 'version' of the code in the profile image is the same one that I provide! This code uses bootstrap colours, which means it changes based on what display theme you're using, if you want to see it as those colours you need to go to your settings and change your display theme to 'Pink Velvet Snake'.

And as for the layout, I don't have the code for that—it's just a thumbnail I edited since I couldn't fit an image of the whole code ^^;; sorry if it caused confusion!

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you can change the colour by replacing the "primary" in "text-primary" with any other bootstrap colour

Sorry if this question already been answered or if the answers obvious, but does this work/can we use it on characters? 

yes you can! This works just about anywhere you can put code on this site.

~Thank you for amazing and simple code😘❤️

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Yes there is

Remove everything between < div class="tab-content"> to < div class="tab-pane fade" id="opened"> and also remove the one of the last < /div>'s marked as < ---Tab--->. if you haven't removed any part of the code yet (including the markers), the line numbers for the areas you should delete is line 21-45 and delete line 142.

If you did it correctly it should appear instantly and the 'click the heart to view' thing should disappear and the rest of the code should work as normal!

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Ooh, is there a way to change the heart? I wanna use it for all of my bbs but it won't suit all of em. <3

yes there is!

in the code you can see it's called fad fa-heart , you can replace the heart with any other icon from this library! https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons?d=gallery

also if you wanna change the way the icon 'looks' you can change the fad thing!

fas is for solid coloured icons far is for the regular outline-only icons fal is the same as far but its thinner fad is duotone and fab is for when you're using brand icons (like twitter!)

Awesome, thank you!


This is such a cool code!! thank u

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I assume you're new to coding so lemme explain the basics- You need to turn off WYSIWYG in your display settings, then on a profile, character, ect you put it in the textatrea (text box)

https://pastebin.com/gXiH1h13 < you can find the code for this here

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It works on both! Though if you're editing the code, I suggest edit it on computers/laptops/pcs

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i love how cute and simple this is