


2 years, 11 months ago


Kamikaze "Kaz" Ramirez

Pronouns he/him
Species Human
Birthday July 7
Age 17
Height 5'11"
Sexuality Gay (Closeted)
Resides Ravenville, Raven High



Coming from a rough family life, he has trouble interacting with others and got accustomed to fighting. A transfer student, previously expelled from his old school due to an incident. The expulsion was a result of Kaz assaulting a teacher near death, also serving 10 months in Juvie. It was later revealed that the teacher had been preying on the younger boys at the school and molesting them. Kamikaze was confided in by one of the victims, prompting his immediate action.

Originally was a member of the street gang, The Reapers. The Reapers were the largest adolescent street gang in the town. Here, he learned to speak with his fists and solve problems physically. He prefers to use brute force and fists, but can wield a knife well.

He gives a threatening appearance and most people avoid him. Due to his previous reputation at his old school, he gets a lot of unwanted attention from people inside and outside of Raven High. He is known to get possessive over things he considers his. Surpringly, he has a strong sense of justice, rarely initiating fights despite being involved with many of them.

In school his grades are average, though lacking in math, Ryder having to tutor him to get better grades. He enjoys reading graphic novels, especially romance, and watching romantic movies. In his freshman year, he picked up a smoking habit, to Ryder's disgust.

His father is an alcholic and abusive towards Kaz. After his wife left, he began to drink and phyiscally attack his son, blaming him on her leaving. His mother left when he was around 6, marrying another man and never contacting him again. After finding out his son was gay, the beatings got increasingly worse, constantly verbally berating the boy.

He's developed feelings for Haruki.


He's quiet unless provoked, even then he prefers not to say anything. A loner sitting at the back of the class, often looking out the window and paying no attention to the class at hand. Despite his reputation as a delinquent, he just wants to be left alone. He's kind but shy and has trouble expressing his emotions properly.


Leonard Ramirez | Father | Alive
Sofia Sanchez | Mother | ???