


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Age: 28

Race: Orc

Captain of The Maiden's Song

height: 6ft8 (203cm)



Khalgra was born to a human (adopted dad) and an orc (birth mum), who were a part of a hidden community where humans and the fae lived in peace together, away from the dangers of war and threat. Due to his upbringing he knows the dangers of the world outside, yet he is cautious when around anyone but not jumping to conclusions. However, a village life wasn't for Khalgra, instead he wanted to explore the world excited to experience life away from his home. His journey wasn't easy, for an orc it was hard to make your way in the world where humans mistreated and hunted down the fantasy races, yet his traveling toughened him into the man he is today.

 A skilled warrior and a great leader, Khalgra is respected by his crew, where they help to save people taking them back to his childhood village in order to offer them a better life. But of course as pirates, they also steal and take treasure resulting them in having quite a large bounty upon their heads.
'The Maiden's Song' is Khalgra's beloved ship, if she was to be destroyed a part of Khalgra would be lost too, as this ship has a special place in his heart, yet  the means of obtaining such a ship came from winning it while gambling.