Toki Yugami



2 years, 9 months ago

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"I've got a lotta time on my hands."

Male Korpis he/him
Level 15
Saichi Hero Institute student

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Talent: Time Travel- I can jump into my body at any point in time, or into a time period outside my life.

Here for: A good time, makin friends, and learning to be a cool hero.

Personality: Chill, Ambiverted, Funny, Creative, Aloof

Vibeez: Early 2000's+ totally out of place things from the past and future.


Likes: Parties, puns, pranks, memes, just chillaxin'

Dislikes: Being too serious, doing his homework, gym class


  • I'm incredibly lazy and will time travel my problems away.
  • Kuro actually came up with my hero name.
  • I'm actually rich, I just dress like I'm homeless.
  • I never miss an opportunity to make a terrible pun.


I can time travel, which is totally rad and you bet I use it in the funniest ways possible. I literally have all the time in the world but procrastinate until I've had to go back in time to do my homework. Some people may say that with great power comes great responsiblity, but they should say with great power comes great fun! Just out here livin' my best life.


Great friends and shopping buddies. Toki's secretly wealthy so he and Nyoka have a lot in common. They frequent a fancy tea shop close to campus and hang out at the Dominion Pavillion mall, which is where all the rich people shop.


Oudiyo also lives in the dorms with Toki and they live on the same floor so they hang out a lot. Both of them are pretty chaotic and when they are together their craziness multiplies. They like to play video games and pull pranks on their classmates and teachers.
paint.png Haha notes go brrrr

Toki's talent is an S tier talent, along with stacking talents and reality bending talents. So, it's really fortunate that Toki wants to be a hero so badly. His powers don't give him boosted physical abilities or emmiter abilities (exception Electricity). Toki relies heavily on support gear for combat. His right gauntlet has a small stun blaster and auto aim. The hourglass at his belt is actually a smoke bomb and his boots have boosters to help him jump and move faster in addition to being good weapons to kick with. No one remembers when he uses his talent to rewrite the timeline unless they have a mental resiliency score of 82 or higher. Even then they will need to be prompted to remember unless they have a mental resiliency of 95 or higher.
Toki's Time Travel talent allows him to jump to any point in time. When time travelling in his lifetime, he has the option to jump into his body at that time, temporarily replacing that version of him with his current version. So if he time travels to when he was a kid, he'll still have his 15 year old brain. This causes no ill effects to the version of him he replaces. With this he can travel distance, as he goes to wherever his body is at that time. This was the first form of Time Travel Toki learned, and it's easier.
The second type of time travel is Toki's current body and mind travels to whichever time he picks. This is more useful for hero work and is also the only type of Time Travel that works when he goes out of his lifetime. He learned this at summer training between first and second year. Using this Toki can time travel back and get to a crime scene to stop the villain when they show up. He can also use it to make small changes in position while fighting so it appears to his opponent that he moves at super speed.
When he Time Travels, the movement through the fabric of time generates a temporal static, and the larger the time jump or the more jumps in a short time, the more static will be created. Toki can use this static to power up more jumps, or as a typical lightning talent. This lightning can be discharged in an area of effect attack or via physical contact, giving him shocking punches. More training is needed to see if he can throw or direct this lightning.

Toki's hometown is in a province pretty far away from SHI, so he lives in the dorms. Toki's good friends with other residential first years. Toki loves to listen to music and firmly believes AirBuds are superior to headphones, despite the fact that he loses his constantly, then time travels to steal them from himself when he had them, which is perhaps why he loses them so much in the first place. He's the laziest student because he has all the time in the world.
Toki's very good friends with Hantu, Nyoka, Shaki, and especially good friends with Oudiyo. Toki and Oudiyo share the same two braincells. The trouble they get into together. Toki's alignment is chaotic good/true neutral so he's definitely the type to time travel to get two lunches because hey he's paying for a meal plan anyway. Toki's family was pretty wealthy so he's seen a lot of high life which he shares in common with Nyoka. Shaki and Hantu are both his gaming buddies and in addition to computer games, they are in a tabletop group with some Gen Ed students.

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